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Dead Island Side Quests Walkthrough: Life in the Bag

Dr. Jack in the lifeguard tower needs medical supplies. He wants you to find a paramedic's bag in a lifeguard vehicle or ambulance.

Get in the truck and drive on the main road, leading away from the lifeguard tower. There should be a broken down ambulance truck on the road, pretty close to the lifeguard station. You'll recognize the truck - its a white truck, with the medic symbol and the siren/red lights on the top. There will surely be zombies around the truck. Dispose of them - you can kill the zombies without ever getting out of your own truck, just by running them over.

Then, grab the paramedic bag from the back of the ambulance and go back to your own truck.

Drive back to Dr. Jack at the lifeguard station and give him the bag to complete this quest. He will give you a pretty nice sickle as a reward.