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Dark Souls Boss Guide Part 1 – Asylum Demon, Taurus Demon, Bell Tower Gargoyles

Dark Souls Boss Guide – Asylum Demon, Taurus Demon, Bell Tower Gargoyles

Asylum Demon
This is the first boss of the game. If you are on your initial playthough, for the the very first encounter, RUN! There is an opening on the left hand side that you can slip through. You want to get more equipment and get an advantage. When you make it back to the room with the Asylum Demon inside you are on a ledge above it.

The Encounter
Playthrough 1
Drop down from the ledge and use a plunge attack on the Asylum Demon to quickly half its HP. This makes for a much easier time battling it. Now stay in close. This further reduces the attacks it can use against you. Attack in sets of two strikes if melee and just let loose with Magic. After the pair of attacks be wary of incoming attacks. Always watch the demon for its very obvious attack animations. While you are up close it will only really use two attacks: a hammer swing and a butt slam. The hammer swing is notable by the demon rearing its hammer back and this is very easy to side-step. The second attack, the butt slam, cannot be missed as the demon must fly up first. You need to run a moderate ways away to avoid taking damage from this attack but its has an abysmal recovery time so it is also a great chance to lay into the demon.

As mentioned Magic users are at an advantage here. The demon is fairly slow and it is susceptible to magic attacks. Spell casters only have to worry about its Leaping Attack. While it can use it very quickly it is very easy to dodge and it lacks any ability to move the strike once you are out of the way.

New Game +
This should be much easier as you will have real weapons and armor to back you up. Keep in mind its variety of attacks but many of its attacks are easy to see and none are very fast. It has a number of Hammer attacks but you will likely kill it very quickly.

Taurus Demon
This fellow is not too hard, but only because you have a handy trick to pull off her that will put you at an advantage. When you first emerge from the White Light to the bridge you will want to turn to the right and climb the ladder there. At the top you will encounter two Zombie Archers who you will want to kill. Once you have that area clear it is time to move forward on the walkway and encounter the Taurus Demon.

The Encounter
Playthrough 1
In this round, it is best to run and climb the ladder to the platform above where you encountered the Archers. Lure the demon close to this area and drop down onto him, using the Plunge Attack. It will take a few but it is very easy to simply run around it while it is recovering from your strike. If it does manage to cut you off then run away from it for a moment to lure it away from the ladder. Once it has moved a short distance from there return to the ladder and climb up. When it is close again use the Plunge Attack.

New Game +
As you have much better stats and equipment this round, it is easier to go toe to toe with the fellow. It only has a few attacks and they are all very clear when incoming. It has two pound attacks, a giant swing and a quick stab attack. None of its attacks can be parried so remember to block or dodge them. Its attacks also take a good moment to begin so use that time to swing behind it for some quick hits.

Belltower Gargoyles
This is a fight to begin with and without some practice, luck or humanity it can be very hard

Playthrough 1
This first round is the hardest. You are best off reviving to human. If you have been thorough and have both Solaire of Astora and potentially another ally. While climbing the ladder up to the Church roof you can find two summon signs. One is on the first landing where you start climbing the second ladder and the second is at the top of the second ladder. Summon both of them to ensure a much easier fight. If you have some Gold Pine Resin, this is a good fight to use it in.

For Ranged Fighters and Magic Users, the allies are essential to keep the Gargoyles off you and to give you the time needed to cast all the spells. They are fairly vulnerable to magic and Firebombs making it ideal for fighting them.

It is important to attempt to slice off the first Gargoyle's tail. This is a weapon that you can collect and it makes the fight easier for you as it has one less reach attack.

Once you enter the fight it is important to keep the roof of the church between you and the Gargoyle at any time you want to recover any. It is very easy to move in for strike attacks. Keep your shield up at all times to absorb what you can into it opposed to your health! It has a number of swing and stab attacks but they are easy to see. The only attack of true concern is its fire breathing attack. The only way to avoid damage from it is to put the roof between you and it.

The fight changes up when the first Gargoyle gets to or below half health. A second gargoyle will show up. This one mostly breathes fire with a few other attacks. If you have your allies they are a great aid here to keep attacking and draw fire away from you. Do not engage the second gargoyle until you have killed off the first. Use ranged attacks against it to whittle it down while your allies attack it.

New Game +
Again it will help to summon at least one of your allies for this fight. It is good to have a second target to simplify the battle overall. Again, use the church roof to avoid the fire breathing attack. Keep moving and attempt to cut off the Gargoyle's tail when possible to make your life a lot easier. Remember that when the first gargoyle hits half health the second will come and join the fray. This fight is easier the second time as you have a more powerful arsenal at your disposal. Focus on only one at a time to ensure a quicker victory.