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Dark Souls Boss Guide Part 4 – Iron Golem, Dragon Slayer Ornstein, Executioner Smough

Dark Souls Boss Guide Part 4 – Iron Golem, Dragon Slayer Ornstein, Executioner Smough

Iron Golem
This is another battle where using blocking is useless so just switch to the Two-handed style and leave it like that. Considering just a size difference to begin with, why would try to block anyway? This is a battle that can be won easily if done right. You can get some Summoned aid from nearby so keep some Humanity (and homeward bones) around in case you need the extra help.

Playthrough 1
Switch to two-handed style and close the gap between you and the Iron Golem quickly. This has some risk as two of its attacks can knock you off the narrow ledge thus sending you plummeting to your death. Still, you will find the best chance for success against this Golem by staying up close to it and hailing attacks on just one of its legs. Watch out carefully for the attack animations but its few close range attacks can easily be blocked. Just lay into the leg, moving from its front to back to avoid a few of its attacks. This will be hard to be because of the ledge but it will significantly decrease the damage you would otherwise take. Just keep at the leg until you see the Golem start to wobble. This means it is starting to lose his balance. Keep at it a while longer to cause the Golem to fall from the ledge. This only works on the ledge where the Golem first appears.

New Game +
The strategy remains much the same as this Golem is devastating when it comes to its ranged attacks. Keep in close and attack its legs to topple it. If it does not simply fall to its death then move in and keep up your strong assault.

Dragon Slayer Ornstein
While this is part of a double battle it is very important to look at the two opponents separately as they need to be handled differently. Both of them will eventually get Lightning Element Attacks so keep on guard and prepare for it. How the fight goes depends on which one of the pair dies first. Once one dies the battle changes and you will want a lot more Lightning Defense.

Playthrough 1
Try to lure Ornstein away from Smough. This is easier to do as he is much faster than his compatriot. Get his interest than dash for the other side of the room. He will follow closely while his much larger, and slow, friend will amble up in good time. Use this time so you can inflict a lot more damage on Ornstein. His attacks are faster than Smough but they are much easier to block because of the lesser power behind them. If Smough closes the gap, just run for the opposite side of the room once again. Repeat this basic strategy until Ornstein is dead.

If you kill Executioner Smough first:
Once Smough dies, Ornstein will grow in size and gain an increase to his stength. He will also gain a pair of new attacks. The first is the same that Smough gains, where he will fly up then slam into the ground unleashing a massive Electrical burst. The second attack is where he will charge up his lance with Lightning then attempt to spear you. The increase in strength will make it much harder to block his attacks but they are slower so it will be easier to simply roll underneath them.

Executioner Smough
While this is part of a double battle it is very important to look at the two opponents separately as they need to be handled differently. Both of them will eventually get Lightning Element Attacks so keep on guard and prepare for it. How the fight goes depends on which one of the pair dies first. Once one dies the battle changes and you will want a lot more Lightning Defense. You will want to have some Fire Element attacks to inflict a nice bit of damage onto

Playthrough 1
This man as a number of strong but fairly slow attacks. It is recommended to simply evade the attacks opposed to blocking them because of the stamina drain they otherwise inflict. He also has a marked lack of ranged attacks. This makes it easier to snipe him from a distance if you are a caster. You will find yourself wanting to use the two-handed style against Smough as it takes so much more stamina to block the attacks. Keep evasive and just lay into him when you can through his attacks.

If you kill Dragon Slayer Ornstein first:
Many of its attacks will gain a Lightning Element as he will charge up his weapon. He also gains a new attack where he will fly up then drop to the ground, unleashing a massive electric burst. The best way to dodge this attack is to run away then close the distance again. While his attacks will be doing more damage they are still going at the same speed. This makes him more ideal to deal with as the second one to kill.