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Batman Arkham City Upgrades and Gadgets Guide

When you level up you gain access to new Waynetech gadgets and upgrades. Some of these you start with from the beginning of the game (when you get the Batsuit), some you get automatically as you level or progress through certain stages of the game, and some you receive from other NPCs in the game. Not all upgrades are available when you level up initially. As you level up more and get upgrades, you unlock additional upgrades.

Default - This means you start with the upgrade or gadget automatically as you level up or progress in the game
NPC - This means you get the gadget from an NPC
Side Mission - Complete a  side quest to get this gadget
Upgrade - Choose this as an upgrade when you level up


Movement (Default)

Detective Mode (Default)
Use Detective mode to identify armed inmates and prioritize before engaging in combat.

Slide (Default)

Drop Attack  (Default)

Grapnel (Default)

Glide (Default)

Dive Bomb (Default)

Glide Kick (Default)

Environment Analysis (Default)

Interrogation (Default)

Grapnel Boost (Side Mission - Augmented Reality Challenge - Complete tests 1-4)
Boosts the speed of the grapple, launching you high into the air above the target point, allowing movement across the entire city without touching the ground

Ballistic Armor V1.0 (Upgrade)
Provides a 25% increase in the level of protection against firearm damage

Ballistic Armor V2.0 (Upgrade)
Provides a 50% increase in the level of protection against firearm damage

Ballistic Armor V3.0 (Upgrade)
Provides a 75% increase in the level of protection against firearm damage

Ballistic Armor V4.0 (Upgrade)
Provides a 100% increase in the level of protection against firearm damage

Combat Armor V1.0 (Upgrade)
Provides a 25% increase in the level of protection against melee attacks

Combat Armor V2.0 (Upgrade)
Provides a 50% increase in the level of protection against melee attacks

Combat Armor V3.0 (Upgrade)
Provides a 75% increase in the level of protection against melee attacks

Combat Armor V4.0 (Upgrade)
Provides a 100% increase in the level of protection against melee attacks

Shock Wave Attack (Upgrade)
This gadget automatically stores the kinetic energy from Dive Bombing directly into the ground. You can then trigger this after landing to send out a kinetic shock wave which knocks any non-armored enemies in the immediate vicinity to the ground. This is very useful when entering combat with a large number of thugs on the Arkham City Streets.

Glide Boost Attack (Upgrade)
This incredibly Powerful attack can be used to take down multiple enemies in a single move. To successfully pull this off, you will need to be traveling at extremely high velocity. Press Glide Kick to lock onto your target and then hold the Dive Bomb button. If you can fill the Batsymbol icon before impact then you will instantly knock out your target and any enemies standing directly behind them.

Heat Signature Conceal (Upgrade)
The Heat Signature Conceal renders you undetectable by enemies equipped with thermal vision. This is effective as long as you remain perfectly still while being scanned. If grappling to or from a vantage point while being scanned then you will be detected.


Batarang (Default)
Your signature weapon. Use it to stun enemies or hit objects that are out of reach. Use the Quickfire Batarang to unleash up to 3 Rapid Fire Batarangs in the middle of combat without losing your combo. A Quickfire Batarang throw is also very effective when discovered by a single armed enemy, stunning them temporarily to provide enough time to escape.

Remote Controlled Batarang (Default)
Special Batarang the can be controlled after being released, making it useful for hitting switches and objects out of reach. Brake and flip controls provide high levels of maneuverability. Hold the boost to impact into an enemy in high velocity to send them flying.If directed into electricity, the Batarang will retain the electric charge, and can then be utilized to overload objects such as fuse boxes.

Batclaw (Default)
Fires a claw-like projectile that interacts with out of reach objects and pulls them towards you. In combat, use the Batclaw on enemies and follow up with a strike attack, to perform the Batclaw Slam. This does double the damage of a normal strike but takes more time to perform, leaving you vulnerable to attack.

Explosive Gel (Default)
A liquid explosive used to temporarily incapacitate enemy targets, or explode through structural weaknesses. Up to 3 charges can be placed at any given time and these can be detonated simultaneously or independently by zooming in on the specific charge. Features a built in proximity detector. Use the quickfire Explosive Gel Controls to seamlessly include this gadget during combat.

Cryptographic Sequencer (Default)
The Cryptographic Sequencer is used to hack into security consoles and unlock access to secure areas. After recovering an encryption key, the sequencer enables you to lock on to secure radio broadcasts which are subsequently stored, tracked, and played back by the batcomputer. Requires a recharge time after use.

Smoke Pellet (Default)
The Smoke Pellet floods an area with disorientating smoke, allowing you to safely escape while under fire. Additionally, you can target a group of enemies with the Smoke Pellet to take them down silently during the confusion. When used in combat, enemies will panic and attack wildly, often hitting each other.

REC (Remote Electrical Charge) (Default)
This electrical gun can be used to open electronically controlled doors and activate electric machinery. It deploys a high current charge to power generators and electromagnets.
The Remote Electrical Charge provides electricity to powered down generators and electromagnets. Additionally, it can be fired at enemies to administer a localized, non-lethal electric shock. This is particularly effective against armored assailants.

Line Launcher (Default)
Allows rapid movement between two horizontal points. Can be redeployed while riding to change direction without touching the ground.
Use the Line Launcher to rapidly move horizontally across areas. While riding the line launcher you can aim in a new direction and fire this again to change direction without dropping to the ground. Offensively, this gadget can be used to take down unaware enemies by moving above them and using the takedown button as you approach to drop down and take them out in one move. Note that this powerful move will alert nearby enemies.

Reverse Batarang (Default)
Pre programmed remote batarang that loops back on itself to hit an enemy from behind, leaving them dazed and confused while searching for their attacker in the wrong direction. It is perfect for disorientating an enemy so that you can sneak up and take them down during the confusion.

Freeze Blast (NPC - Mister Freeze - After defeating him at the GCPD Lab)
High Powered sub zero temperature projectile which detonates on impact. Used to solidify water or temporarily incapacitate assailants
Deploy this projectile to cause an ice-based explosion that will freeze an enemy in position for an extended period of time. This can be used effectively in combat situations using the Quickfire controls. Additionally, the Freeze Blast is powerful enough to freeze water of any temperature, creating a temporary ice platform capable of supporting Batman's weight.

Freeze Cluster (Side Mission - Hot and Cold - Steel Mill)
This advanced Freeze Weapon Technology creates a large blast radius capable of freezing multiple enemies to the ground at once. Trapped enemies are free to move their torsos and can still attack, so approach enemies with firearms from behind to minimize any rist.

Batclaw Disarm (Upgrade)
This upgrade enables you to surprise an attacker armed with a firearm by snatching the weapon from their hands from a distance. This can be used effectively in combat situations using the quickfire batclaw.

Sonic Batarang (Upgrade)
Once deployed, the Sonic Batarang gives off a high pitched alarm that will interfere with nearby enemies wearing hearbeat monitors, causing them to investigate. Use this to distract enemies or lead them into traps. Once thrown, requires a short recharge time before reuse. Note: The sonic Batarang will have no effects on enemies who are not equipped with an armband heartbeat monitor.

Line Launcher Tightrope (Upgrade)
This upgrade to the line launcher enables you to flip up on top of zip line and use it as a tightrope. This can be used to create new positions to obeserve and attack enemies, or to collect riddler trophies. While on the cable, you can move above an enemy to perform a drop attack or glide kick.

Freeze Proximity Mine (Upgrade)

Cryptographic Range Amplifier (Upgrade)
Increases effective range of the Cryptographic Sequencer, allowing you to override out-of-reach security Consoles and open up areas that would otherwise be inaccessible.

Cryptographic Power Amplifier (Upgrade)
Increases the power of the Cryptographic Sequencer, allowing easier deciphering of security systems.

Disruptor: Freeze Override (NPC - Mister Freeze - Museum - Before confronting Penguin)
Used to disable custom designed Freeze Gun weaponry. Must be activated in close proximity of target.

Disruptor: Firearm Jammer  (Upgrade)
Remotely disables enemy firearms without the enemy being aware that the gun they are carrying has become jammed. Once disabled, these targets will be shown as blue in detective mode so they can be easily identified. This gadget can also be used to disable TYGER sentry guns and temporarily disable TYGER helicopter machine guns. After 2 uses of the disruptor, a recharge period is required.

Detonator: Mine Detonator (Side Mission - Remote Hideway Quest - Undercover cops in Museum after talking to Mayor Quincy Sharp)
Detonates proximity mines that have been placed in the environment. If timed correctly, the concussive effects of these explosions can be used to knock enemies out. Additionally, removing mines can be used to reveal secret areas or access riddler trophies. The disruptor device can only be used 3 times before a recharge period is required.
Allows Batman to detonate mines from a distance.
Good for gaining access to Riddler Trophies, as well as distracting enemies.


Strike (Default)

Counter (Default)

Evade (Default)

Redirect (Default)

Cape Stun (Default)

Projectile Counter (Default)

Ground Takedown (Default)

Beat Down (Default)
Flurry of hits to an enemy without knocking them down to the floor. Can finish off an opponent in one attack if done for long enough. Especially effective against armored enemies, so use it to take out thugs wearing body armor.

Aerial Attack (Default)
Use this move to attack over the top of an enemy's defense and come crushing down on them. This is especially powerful against enemies using shields as they cannot block an aerial attack.

Ultra Stun (Default)

Special Combo Takedown (Upgrade)

Special Combo Bat Swarm (Upgrade)
This combat special move calls in a swarm of bats to attack and disorientate all enemies within your immediate proximity. For greatest impact, move into position in the middle of an attacking group before triggering to maximize the number of enemies taking damage. This Special Combo Move can only be performed after your combo score reaches X8 or higher.

Special Combo Multi Ground Takedown (Upgrade)
Flipping up into the air and throwing out a number of Batarangs simultaneously, this combat special move instantly incapacitates all enemies that are currently knocked down. This move can be very effective if timed correctly but it will also fail if there are no targets currently on the ground. This special combo move can only be performed after your Combo score reaches x8 or above.

Special Combo Disarm and Destroy (Upgrade)
This combat special move focuses your attack on a single armed attacker and permanently destroys their weapon. This move is especially effective against enemies with powerful weapons because it stops the weapon from being re-used by other enemies. Use this move tactically to destroy dangerous weapons early on, when in a fight against a large number of enemies. This special combo move can only be performed after your combo score reaches x8 or above.

Blade Dodge (Default)

Critical Strikes (Upgrade)
Successful Critical Strikes reward perfect combat timing with devastating power. The goal is to perform a strike just after finishing the previous move. However, if you press too early or tap repeatedly then you will not perform a Critical Strike. These well timed blows also increase the Combo by x2 for each strike, allowing for quicker activation of Special Combo Moves.

Special Combo Boost (Upgrade)
All Special Combo Moves will be available after achieving a combo of x5 instead of the normal requirement of x8. This upgrade will be applies to all playable characters.

FreeFlow Focus (Upgrade)
When achieving a combo of x12 or above, without using a special combo move, you will enter Free Flow Focus mode. This increases movement speed and reaction times. However, using any special combo move will reset the FreeFlow Focus. Upgrade will be apply to all playable characters.

FreeFlow Power Gadets (Upgrade)

Blade Dodge Takedown (Upgrade)
A powerful counter that will instantly take out any enemy that attacks with a blade or sharp object. To successfully complete this move. the counter button must be held as an enemy attacks but then released and held again in between each of the attacker's swipes. This upgrade will be applied to all playable characters.


Vantage Point (Default)
A covert position from which you can survey your location.

Corner Cover (Default)

Silent Takedown (Default)

Knockout Smash (Default)

Double Takedown (Default)

Inverted Takedown (Default)

Grate Takedown (Default)

Ledge Takedown (Default)

Hanging Ledge Takedown (Default)

Window Takedown (Default)

Wooden Wall Takedown (Default)

Vent Takedown (Default)

Corner Cover Takedown (Default)

Grapnel Boost Takedown (Side Mission - Augmented Reality Tests - Get the Grapnel Boost to unlock this upgrade)
By aiming the grapnel gun at the ledge below an enemy and using the Grapnel Boost, you will grab the enemy, lift him high into the air, and then smash him into the ground, knocking him out instantly. Note: this move can only be used in external locations due to the distance required to activate the grapnel.



Whip Swing

Ceiling Climb

Ceiling Takedown




Caltrops (Default)
An Anti-Personnel Device used  to leave traps for unsuspecting enemies. Anyone walking over the Caltrops will be tripped up and fall to the ground.

Ballistic Armor (Upgrade)
Provides an increase in the level of protection against firearm damage (25%/50%/75%/100%)

Combat Armor (Upgrade)
Provides an increase in the level of protection against melee attacks (25%/50%/75%/100%)

Special Combo Whiplash

Special Combo Whip Trip