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Uncharted 3 All Treasure Locations

Chapter 1 Treasures (Another Ground) (2 Treasures)

Both these treasures can be picked up once fight starts after being thrown from upper level of pub to lower level.

Antique Boxing Medallion
During fight, check arcade machine of pub. It's either in coin tray or to the side of the machine.

Brass Vesta Case
On shelves behind bar near some bottles (where the bartender originally stood)

Chapter 2 Treasures (Greatness from Small Beginnings)  (7 Treasures)

Emerald and Diamond Ring
Search Barrel of Cannon in front or red banner

Antique Coin Purse
Near potted plant in small dark room

Antique Colombian Soup Ladle
Find it when you are young Nate. Near blue car. Pick up before starting to follow Sully.

Pottery Chimu Vase
Pick up when Nate is a young boy. In one of the stands near fruit stand where Nate stole a fruit from.

Ancient Chupicuaro Figure
Follow the road left from the market. Behind a blue stall and between 2 shops there is a narrow stairway.

Shamanistic Jaguar Hear
In balcony near sign that says "24 Horas Comunicaciones Fotocopia"

Antique Colombian Table Knife
Still as young kid Nate.  Big tall sign that says Hotel Arrecife. Find Treasure near the letter O

Chapter 3 Treasures (3 Treasures) (Second-Story Work)

Dog Shaped Incan Whistle
In a porch, near bench under painting of ship

Silver Chimu Pendant
Hands of Diving Suit thats on display in museum

17th Century Coin
In corner to the right of door near ship's lever

Chapter 4 Treasures (6 Treasures + Relic) (Run to Ground)

Diamond Studded Horse Brooch
In narrow alleyway at the beginning of the chapter

Coral Cameo Brooch
Climb the pipe and find this treasure on a ledge

Victorian Locket and Chain
Look for big pile of boxes in the corner of the warehouse. Treasure is on top.

Silver Roses Bracelet
Behind Generator to the right near pile of bricks

Fierce Lion Bangle
In grate while climbing down the huge pipe hall.

Pearl Diamond and Ruby Brooch
On wall in large circular room in final area

Bonus: Strange Relic
In shaft before getting the Fierce Lion Bangle

Chapter 5 Treasures (4 Treasures) (London Underground)

Victorian Copper Penny
On pillar ledge above painting of Pegasus

Victorian Gold Sovereign
After defeating Marlowe's men in library, climb up stairs and look for treasure under writing desk in upper level

Silver Hunter Pocketwatch
See big clock on ornate wall. Shoot treasure near it using gun. Climb on train to pick it up.

Art Nouveau Flask
Train Station, in front of red train car with the numbers "126" on it

Chapter 6 Treasures (9 Treasures) (The Chateau)

Antique Wax Seal Stamp
Follow small river away from waterfall. Find treasure inside a small cave

Gold Inlay Cameo Bangle
In forest at the beginning of the chapter, locate big tree with small moss wall near it. Treasure is just near that small wall

Diamond and Pearl Bracelet
Climb up the round tower. Dont go in the 1st hole, instead climb up to the upper level and find a second opening. Treasure is inside.

Lois XVI Lois D'or Coin
After cutscene, you are in front of a grand stairway. Follow corridor to right of stairs to the end to find this treasure.

Emerald Cameo Brooch
In room with knights puzzle, above curtain. You will have to shoot it with your gun

Art Noveau Belt Buckle
After solving statue puzzle, a secret cave is revealed. Nate falls down as ground collapses. Treasure is near pillar in cavern

Ruby and Diamond Ring
Right after Nate gets his first grenades, hop down and find the treasure near a wall in the corner

Silver Rococo Teapot
After entering the keep across broken wooden planks

Miniature Portrait Pendant
Ceiling of John Dee's Alchemist Laboratory. Shoot it down from the ceiling.

Chapter 7 Treasures (1 Treasure)  (Stay in the Light)

Gold and Pearl Stickpin
Instead of following Sully, go around in the opposite direction. Find treasure on floor of the collapsed room.

Chapter 8 Treasures (7 Treasures) (The Citadel)

Silver Sassanid Coin
Below arch under bridge

Ancient Metal Elephant
On wall to the right, after lowering drawbridge. Shoot it with your weapon

Crusader Coin
After going through the gate, locate statue on the wall. It will be holding the treasure

Emamel Copper Vessel
After well, treasure is in chamber with spotlight on the ground

Marble Double Eye Idol
After Nate shoots the lock, treasure will be above, over the small window to the right

Medieval Lead Horseman
On Windowsill in tower with spiral staircase

Byzantine Reliquary Cross
After Sully blows open a hole in the wall, search the rubble to find the treasure

Chapter 9 Treasures (3 Treasures) (The Middle Way)

King Bohemond III Coin
In room with the globe puzzle, near brazier

Antique Cuff Bracelet
In water area, shoot the treasure on the wall above. Be prepare to intercept it in the water as it sinks

Crusader Fleur-De-Lis
In a tomb inside inner crypt with dead bodies

Chapter 10 Treasures (7 Treasures) (Historical Research)

Antique Cloak Clasp
In corner of local market area at the beginning, near a stall that has boxes of peanuts

Silver Jambiya Dagger
Market, On the right side of a fountain, near a potted plant

Golden Yemeni Bracelet
Yemen Market. After Elena convinces a merchant to unlock the gate for her, find this treasure near a Cactus

Traditional Silver Bead
Inside building with red carpet, between table and couch

Amber and Silver Necklace
After fight with Marlowe's men, look for spot near wall with two carton boxes

Kahraman Amber Necklace
After fight with Talbot's men, walk down the stairs and turn right

Unusual Red Bead Necklace
After picking up the Amber Necklace, climb on a ledge with wooden crates

Chapter 11 Treasures (9 Treasures) (As Above, So Below)

Silver and Coral Ring
As you are climbing into Yemen underground, this will be on the rear side of a destroyed window. Shimmy to get it.

Silver and Leather Dagger
After solving moon puzzle, look for this on the foot of a pillar

Pearl and Emerald Brooch
Near pillar in room with cogs puzzle

Silver Fligree Bracelet
In room with light puzzle, aim torch towards ceiling and this bracelet will drop

Silver Box Pendant
After leaving the body parts puzzle room, go down the stairs and turn left to find this treasure near the staircase

Amazonite and Amber Necklace
After exiting well, go down stairs. Necklace will be on the ground

Silver Capsule Pendant
Under bench near blue door

Amazonite and Amber Earring
Near fountain,  Between two pillars

Silver Yemeni Bangle
After chasing Talbot through the Yemen streets, you will lose him for a moment. Before going into the crowded square, climb the small staircase and find the treasure on the left.

Chapter 12 Treasures (7 Treasures) (Abducted)

Seahorse Vesta Case
After freeing yourself from the captors and capturing them, find this treasure on top of some cargo containers near a stack of tires

Silver Figa Amulet
After picking up your holster, enter small storage room and find this treasure on the floor

Antique Silver Parrot
In shipyard, in area where gun battle with pirates start, climb onto a platform and jump the gap to the ledge across to find this treasure

Turquoise and Pearl Bracelet
After boat shootout, look for this bracelet on top of one of the steel beams

Unusual Blue Stone Ring
When you are climbing a yellow rope, do not swing off it yet. Instead climb up into an opening to find the ring

Gold Scarab Brooch
Before entering the control tower, drop down to the support beams to find this brooch

Gold Axumite Coin
Before Ziplining to next area, find this coin in the corner on the floor

Chapter 13 Treasures (3 Treasures) (Rough Seas)

Antique Silver Box
On top of blue barrel near beginning zone

Silver Tribal Bangle
Starting zone, on the floor inside big empty container

Ancient Gold and Coral Bracelet
Before lowering the drawbridge, search the area for this bracelet

Chapter 14 Treasures (9 Treasures) (Cruisin for a Bruisin)

Unusual Mask Brooch
Near stairs at the beginning, look at alcove to the left of the stairs

Rose Cut Diamond Pendant
Before hopping onto the lifeboat, locate a red compartment door which says "Fire Hose F". Search for the treasure on the floor nearby

Emerald and Pearl Necklace
In an area with lots of containers, find this necklace on the floor between a yellow and gray container.

Antique Minerva Pendant
In swimming pool area, search the left side for this pendant

Ruby and Pearl Pendant
At the end of the hall after ballroom fight

Georgian English Compass
Outer passage, near pile of beach chairs

Ruby and Diamond Bracelet
In cabin behind bar

Amethyst Cufflink
Under staircase before entering hold to rescue sully

Golden Amethyst Ring
On platform above main hold area

Chapter 15 Treasures (1 Treasure) (Sink or Swim)

Silver Rococo Napkin Ring
While ship is tilted vertically. Climb into a small bathroom and look for this ring there.

Chapter 16 Treasures (3 Treasures) (One Shot at this)

Mosaic Birds Pendant
On top of crates in the warehouse

Song Bird Brooch
After climbing the car that you and Elena pushed, find this on top of some boxes

Enamel Bird Ring
Locate shelves near a green car and search floor near the shelves for this treasure

Chapter 17 Treasures (0 Treasures) (Stowaway)
***No Treasures in this chapter***

Chapter 18 Treasures (1 Treasure) (The Rub Al Khali)

Calcite Statue of Female Figure
As Nate looks for water in the well in the desert, near well lays a pot. Break it to find the statue inside

Chapter 19 Treasures (8 Treasures) (The Settlement)

Ancient Alabaster Ibex
Near an arch to the left of the entrance

Coin of the Qataban Kingdom
First room, after falling through the roof, look for this coin on the floor

Antique Silver Linked Bracelet
Near opening in broken wall, after climbing out of the well

Antique Agate Wedding Ring
Find this ring near a small hole on the ground

Silver and Cornelian Necklace
In corner behind pillar where the Sniper is shooting at Nathan

Ancient Sabaean Bust
In small alleyway after rooftop battle

Ancient Kingdom of Sheba Coin
After squeezing through gap find this area in street with floor level arched wooden window

Antique Bedouin Bracelet
To the right side of the gate which Nate needs to destroy with RPG Rocket Launcher

Chapter 20 (3 Treasures) (Caravan)

Carved Sabaean Face
In the lobby of the lost city, look for this on the floor

Bronze Sabaean Bull Sculpture
Still in first room, climb up ladder and head right on the first ledge

The Royale Game of Ur
Hop onto the chandelier and shimmy to the other side of it to find this treasure

Chapter 21 Treasures (5 Treasures) (The Atlantis of Sands)

Bronze Man of Nashqum
As you approach the city, there is a large broken staircase. Find the treasure on the bottom of the stairs.

Sabaean Albaster Stele
Going down the spiral staircase, make a detour into the tower and find the treasure there

Akkadian Statue Head
Top of staircase after fight with fire spirits

Sabaean Moon Symbol
In first area after Cartagena scene

Statue of Gudea
After leaving room with water reflection puzzle, find this necklace on the floor near second statue on left wall

Chapter 22 Treasures (2 Treasures) (The Dreamers of Day)

Gold Cup from Ur
At the beginning of the chapter, on the bottom of the spiral staircase

Golden Hittite Goddess
After reuniting with Sully, notice the square pattern road. To the end there is a closed wooden doorway. Look near that door to find the last treasure in the game.