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Call of Duty: MW3 Campaign Walkthrough Part 2: Hunter Killer

Completing Black Tuesday and destroying the Jamming tower got you the Too Big to Fail achievement/Trophy. You have regained air dominance over Manhattan and pushed the front line back to the river.

Your next mission is in the New York Harbor. Your target is the Russian command vessel - an Oscar - II submarine carrying enough cruise missiles to level the Eastern seaboard. You need to strike fast before they can launch a counter attack. Your mission is to infiltrate the vessel, take over the bridge, then turn their weapons against their own fleet. You need to link up with the SEALs and get it done.

Your first objective is to  plant a mine on the sub.

You ae in control of a diver propulsion vehicle. The green dots show the location of your teammates, while red curved bars will show you the location of mines. SEAL team should be up ahead. Sub's on the move and intercept window is closing fast, so you better hurry. Watch your sonar, since the Russians are laying mines. Be very careful to avoid the mines as you approach the submarine.

The submarine approaches the intercept points. Wait until she passes and GO. Get in position and plant the mine on the sub. Your next objective is to reach the missile control room.

Mines are now armed. Clear out. The mines will detonate. Sub will be surfacing. continue to primary objective, we need control of the sub's missiles. Commence assault.

Hold position. Hatch will be opening and  Russians will come out. Start shooting with your MP5 Suppressed Red Shot Sight. Enter the hatch. Climb down the ladder. Sweep and clear, all unknowns are hostile. Rendezvous downstairs. Head down the stairs. Take left. They are going to scuttle the sub so you gotta move. Take point. Head towards the waypoint.

You have to get to the Bridge.

Put a kicker charge on the door to the missile control room. There will be enemy soldiers inside. Secure the area. Your team will get the launch keys. Sandman will report to HQ that he has the missile key and is accessing the launch codes now. He will receive coordinates and fire on the Russian fleet.

Get on the console. Turn the switch. Missiles will be armed and launching, and SEAL team will be in position for Exfil.

Get out of the Sub and on the boat. Follow the Zodiac. Shoot the mines on the Russian mineboat to sink it. Enter the cargo of the chopper.

Missile strikes will be confirmed on multiple Russian hard targets in your AO. All primary threats neutralized. You will receive the trophy/achievement "Wet Work" for taking back the New York Harbor.