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Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 16 – The Yerebatan Cistern

Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 16 – The Yerebatan Cistern

Full Synchronization is achieved by completing this memory without being detected.

This is one of the cases where replaying is recommended to achieve Full Synchronization as you will have a better idea of what is around in subsequent playthroughs plus there will be treasures you would miss otherwise. This segment has been broken down into the two modes of play for this memory.

The first room is easy enough as the guards have been called away already. Head for the south end and collect the contents of the chest over there. Now head over to the right, climb the boxes and wall jump to the right to reach the first waypoint.

Head through the opening, swing to the ground, collect the two chest and visit the Bomb Crafting Table. Take a moment and make at least one Cherry Bomb in your Division Pouch. You will want this mix: Impact Shell, Arabic (British if you have plenty), and Sulfur.

With bombs in hand, head toward the next room. There is a quick cutscene and then the guards have been spread through the room. First, poison dart the guard nearest you. This will clear the way to the nearby pillar you will want to climb. Ascend then jump over to the nearby beam. Follow that with a Long Jump using the nearby hanging Lantern to reach the far side of the room. Now head more to the left, swinging from the lantern onto the nearby platform then jump over one more. Wait for the Captain to stop nearby you. When he does, shoot him with a Poison Dart. As you wait above for him to expire, equip one of the cherry bombs and get ready to throw it to the left, close to where the wood meets the ground. This will lure all the guards away, letting you leap stealthily from the beam over to the nearby crates and easily over to the gate.

If you wish to forsake stealth here you will find a number of bomb making ingredients on the Templars and in chest scattered throughout the room. Toward the front you can easily find a pair of chest with impact shells and British Gunpowder. If you kill the Templar on top of the scaffolding you will get Medicine, Throwing Knives and a Fuse Shell. His nearby friend has Poison, Throwing Knives and Phosphorous. The chest between this pair has Impact Shells inside it. The Captain, in addition to the key you automatically get has Poison and Throwing Knives. The pair next to the right, nearby the boxes has: Poison, Throwing Knives, Bullets, Impact Shells and Lamb's Blood on them. Behind them is a chest with Shrapnel inside it. More to the left of that, opposite the door with Impact Shells and Phosphorous inside them. The pair by the chest has Poison, Bullets, Throwing Knives and more Impact Shells. Continuing to the left you will find another Templar on top of some scaffolding. He has Medicine, Throwing Knives and Lamb's Blood on him. The next Templar pounding away has Medicine and Poison on him. The final Templar in the room has Medicine, Poison, Throwing Knives and Lamb's Blood on him. In addition there is a chest to the left of him that has Impacts Shells inside it. Now just go through the gate and move on.

First head over to the opposite side of the room. There are three chest to loot with Phosphorous, British Gunpowder and Impact Shells inside them. To the left of these chest you will find the Bomb Crafting Table. Here you can collect some more components as well as restock on any bombs you need, like the Cherry Bomb. Climb up and out of this room using the nearby barrels. It leads to a much bigger room with numerous guards and another Captain to kill.
Hop over to the first beam and throw a knife into the guard below to the left and right. Next, slip over to the entrance to the nearby stairs when the guard patrolling starts away from them. At the top of the stairs, use a throwing knife on the guard who is patrolling the area to the right. He not too vigilant so just be quick about it. From cover, aim and shoot a Poison Dart at the Captain then descend the stairs. You will encounter another pair of patrolling guards. Time your movements to avoid them and it should be easy to cross over to the gate and exit the area.

Once you emerge into the big room, there are plenty of Templars to deal with. The first Templar to the left, with the pick axe has Throwing Knives, and next to him is a chest with Impact Shells. The three guards to the left of him have more Throwing Knives and components. There is also a chest nearby with Phosphorous inside it. More to the right, by some scaffolding is another chest with some British Gunpowder inside it. The next Templar is above you on some scaffolding. Kill him as he has Medicine, Poison, Throwing Knives and a bomb component. The Templar patrolling the bridge has some knives on him. Along the bridge you will also find a chest with more Impact Shells. The guard at the top of the stairs has some medicine on him. Nearby you will find a chest with Phosphorous in it. Head up the next flight of stairs to find another Templar chipping away at a wall. He has Impact Shells and throwing knives. Head to the left to find the last the Templars in the area. The pair patrol different parts of this high area so be careful dealing with them. Then again, you can easily knife them from a distance and be done with it. The first one has Medicine and Poison on him while the second has more components on him. Just to the right, opposite the cooking pot, you will find chests with British Gunpowder and Shrapnel inside them. Look for the Free Run start point near where the First Guard was patrolling. Use that to get to the opposite to loot the captain who has medicine, throwing knives and Phosphorous on him. Now head back down to ground level and go through the gate to the left.

Inside this room is another Bomb Crafting Table. Restock on any bombs you used in the last room. Next to it are chest with Phosphorous, Impact Shells and British Gunpowder.

Use a Throwing Knife on the one guard in this room. Just press on afterwards, climbing up to the Waypoint marker. It is easy enough to do with the marker pillar. Just jump from beam to beam after that.

Use a Throwing Knife on the one guard in this room. If you so desire, it is not too hard to use a Shrapnel Bomb to a similar effect. Be sure to look to the right as you cross. There you will find a trio of chests with British Gunpowder and Impact Shells. On the guard you will find Medicine, Throwing Knives and Fuse Shells. Just climb the pillar with the white cloth after that and hop across the beams to reach the waypoint marker.

One more room to go now and this is when things get interesting.

From where you start, use Eagle Sense to find the Captain. If done immediately he is very easy to find in the group of guards on the left. If you cannot see everyone then Long Jump over to the first beam then head to the left to get to the beam that offers a full view of the central island. Again, use Eagle Sense to spot him. With your target known, move to a spot you can hit him with a Poison Dart. Backtracking a few beams works very well. Immediately start making for the far door as the Captain is dying. There is a chance that the Patrol by the door will take an interest in the captain's corpse. Then your choices are to run or poison them as well. Throwing Knives are an option but the guards take two a piece so that significantly raises the chance of Ezio getting noticed. Once you have dealt with them, make for the door.

Use Cherry Bombs to lure everyone to the center island. From there just drop a number of smoke bombs to kill them all easily. This can net you a few achievements in the process which is always nice. The guards have many different components on them along with Medicine, poison and throwing knives. Loot all the bodies then just head for the glowing door as there are no chest in this room.

After all this, open the door and start exploring the room. There are three chest in here with lots of goodies in them. You will find one to the left with money and trip wire casing, one in the next alcove to the right with British Gunpowder and money, then the third is in the back right of the room. Collect the goodies then head back to the start point. Go to the raised platform that is across from there on the right. Use Eagle Sense to find the door along the back wall there. Interact with it to open the passage to the key. You will also collect a map.

With the completion of this memory you are taken back to Sophia's shop. Head on outside to meet Yusuf again