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Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 19 – The Sentinel, Part 2

Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 19 – The Sentinel, Part 2

Head over to where to the memory starts. You learn more about the Sentinel, the one who has been after your Assassins on behalf of the Templars.

Full Synchronization is achieved by freeing both Assassin Hostages without being detected.

Full Synchronization:
This will be done most easily if you employ two groups of thieves so be sure to have at least 300 on hand.

Take a minute and obverse the set-up of the area as best you can. Approach your target from the south to make it easier. There are two guards who are watching over your targets who patrol about once a minute. First, take a moment to find the nearby group of thieves. Send them after the guards to create a window of opportunity. It will last about 30 seconds so be ready once you send them off. Drop down and free the hostages at this location. Return quickly to the roofs with the nearby ladder.

Head over to the second waypoint that and come at it from the east. You will find another group of thieves you can hire for aid. Once again there are two guards that move at set intervals. Once again, use the thieves to create an opening for yourself. This time you want to wait for the guard in the cart to leave then send the thieves in. As soon as you free the hostage, the Full Synchronization requirement will be fulfilled. Once that is met you are free to engage in open conflict. That at least makes it a lot easier to slip out.

Without Full Synchronization:
Doing this mission without worry about the Full Synchronization makes it a lot easier. You can quickly kill the guards at both locations without having to worry about being as discreet. Things are made easier when you are though.