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Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 31 – Into the Shadows, Honor, Lost and Won

Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 31 – Into the Shadows, Honor, Lost and Won

Into the Shadows
The memory starts with Suleimen and his Uncle are playing Chess. Ezio comes in telling Suleimen about the weapons that are being sold.  He orders Ezio to learn what he can then kill Tarik. To do this, first Ezio must steal a Janissary Uniform.

Full Synchronization requires that you kill your target from a Hiding Spot.

If you are after Full Synchronization, then be certain you have some (3-4 recommended) Fuse Cherry Bombs in your pouch.  They will come in handy very soon.

Head for the marker on your map. This will lead you to the lone Janissary that will provide your disguise. He is, at present, harassing a Civilian. None to far from him though is a haystack. Position Ezio nearby the Haystack and throw one of your Fuse Cherry Bombs into the haystack. This will draw one or two other guards but it will also draw the Janissary over into Assassination range.

Honor, Lost and Won

Full Synchronization requires that Tarik is killed by an Air Assassination.

Join the other Janissaries that are marked and make sure your present weapon is your fist. When they are attacked by Civilians beat them down. The rest of this will simply be following the Janissaries. Follow their lead when needed but it is very easy to make it to the the Encampment.

Once inside you need to sneak your way through. While the Janissaries will be indifferent about Ezio the rest will be looking for something out of the ordinary.

To start, head into the tent on the left and exit out the opposite side. Wait for a group of Janissaries to pass by and blend with them. This will let you get past the Elites that are blocking the entrance to the next area. Once you are in this part, head immediately into the nearby tent. Again, cross through the tent, this time heading into the next one. There is a guard patrolling this tent. When he gets to the back portion of it, assassinate him. Now head for the building wall that is above the tent. You must very quickly climb it. Do not loot the chest that is in plain sight as it will rouse suspicion on all parts.

In the third area, drop down to ground level when the Elite looks away. Now make for the waypoint marker that is to the right. Hit it to trigger a cutscene. When it ends, Ezio is blended with a group of Janissaries. There is a mobile one that comes up very quickly, jump over into that one. They will bring you close to another stationary group of Janissaries. Blend into the crowd. There is a pair of Elites watching around so be sure to move only when they look away. When they do, dash up the wall onto the Scaffolding. Once you are on the scaffolding you are free to move as you please. Head to the first wooden platform and lock onto Tarik. Once you have the lock, perform the assassination.

Now you have all the Jannisaries rather angry at you. You can fight but it is an uphill battle and unless you need the Janissary kills for a challenge, it is better to use a Smoke Bomb and start making your way out of here quickly. If you have any Shrapnel Bombs they will be a great help.