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Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 35 – The Mentor's Return

Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 35 – The Mentor's Return

Return to the Assassin's Headquarters. Head over to the desk where you are keeping the keys to dive once again into Altair.

Full Synchronization requires that you kill only Abbas and his Captains.

Head up the slope, toward Maysaf itself. You will find a pair of captains. Go between them to perform a double assassination. Continue upwards. You will eventually find yourself in a massive melee. Remember to not kill anyone aside from the captains. Kill him then continue up toward the castle. When you get there, the final captain will pledge himself to you. Head inside to trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene Altair will be able to send assassins after people. Do not use this as it will result in deaths on your hands. Head on up the slope toward Abbas. You will encounter a number of people not so happy to see again. Just use the empty hand primary attack and they will go down quickly enough. You will be given the prompt to shoot him, do so. There is one final scene with Abbas then you are taken back to Ezio