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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 25 – Return To Skyview Temple

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 25 – Return To Skyview Temple

As you emerge from the Lake, you will find yourself in front of another log. Push it forward so you can quickly access this area again later. Fi will come out to deliver a report to you. Unfortunately below you is a Moblin. Depending on how you feel about them, this could be a chance for practicing either running from them or fighting them. Which ever you choose, you want to head for the Northeastern part of the woods to get to the Skyview Temple. It is easiest to get to the Temple returning to the Sky, upgrading what you want, then diving back to the Forest Temple.

Once inside you will learn that your Drowing Ability has been disabled while you are inside the Temple. Not a big deal overall as you have a guide helping you along. Head down the stairs, first dealing with the Quadro Baba. Keep going down to encounter one of the Mogmas you met in the Volcano. Play the Goddess Harp to summon a Goddess Wall and claim something from it. Now turn around and head through the shortcut you created last time you came through, cutting down to the large room that would lead on to the large ante chamber. You have two Bokoblins inside, a Blue one and an Archer. The archers are new and will pepper you with arrows as long as you are in their range. Your own lack of a ranged weapon works against you so to kill it you need to dash up (or move forward shielded) and hit it with a single strike. They are blissfully weak. Once you have dealt wit hthem, head into the room on the left. You will encounter the Mogma again who complains about losing a key he just swiped from a monster in a hole. This means head over to the other side of the room you were just in.

In here, hop into the water then use the Spin Attack to get onto the far side of the room. You need to kill the Staldra but that should not be too hard any more. Now dive down all the way and go through the hole along the bottom of the pond. Now climb up the vines into the tunnel. You want to dig up the patch of dirt in here to find the key you need to progress forward.

Once you are through the door you will find a Staldra waiting on the other side of it. There is a second Staldra in here too if you want to kill that one as well. Otherwise head for the far side of the room and go through the blasted out door.

In this room, just before you reach the Boss Chamber again, you have to deal with a pair of Bokoblin Archers. They do not make it easy to cross the tight rope to say the least. Pull out your Hook Beetle, find some cover and launch the Beetle high. The only way, for now, to beat this pair of archers is to find the Bomb Flower in the room and drop it on them. An upgraded Beetle will stand a better chance with its Speed Up option but a standard will work as well. With a regular one, just keep it high and come in from behind them. If you get it close enough they very likely will just blow themselves up by shooting the Beetle. Once you blast them, head for the door to the boss room, you are almost to your goal.

Stalfos Trio
If this room was empty it would be too easy for a Zelda game. Inside is a trio of Stalfos. This is something of a challenging fight but you do have something that will make it a lot easier: Bombs. Three Stalfos are very hard to beat because they can cover each other very well and they love to stay close to one another. However, pull out a bomb and set it down, lure them to it then have it explode near them and they will be defenseless for a good moment. Move in and slash away at them. It will take a good number of bombs but the pots around the room will only be dropping hearts and bombs so do not worry too much.

Head on through to the Skyview Spring. Now use Drowsing to find the proper waterfall, look for the one with the Fairies flying around it. Walk into the Waterfall and pull out an empty bottle. Stand in the cascading water with the empty bottle and scoop went prompted to collect some Sacred Water. You are automatically taken to the outside of the entrance of the Skyview Temple. Now just return to Faron inside the Lake and she will take you over to the location of the Sacred Flame. It's dungeon time!