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SWTOR Classes Guide - Sith Warrior - Star Wars: The Old Republic

Allegiance: The Sith Empire

Summary: No one inspires more fear than a Sith Warrior. Born for battle, few opponents can withstand the rage-fueled blows from a Warrior's lightsaber or penetrate a Warrior's armor. If dual-wielded lightsabers can't finish the job, there is always Force Choke to bring an opponent to his knee.

Sith Warrior SWTOR

Races: The following species can be a Sith Warrior:

Starting Area: Sith Academy (Korriban) / Valley of the Dark Lords

Equivalent RPG Class(es): Warrior, Barbarian

Abilities: The Sith Warrior is a fearsome melee combatant skilled with both single and dual lightsabers. The Sith Warrior uses Dark Force powers in addition to his close range saber attacks, though not as many as the Sith Inquisitor.

Warriors who become Sith Juggernauts continue to specialize in single saber combat, and may learn defensive lightsaber forms to help shield themselves and allies from incoming attacks.

Warriors who become Sith Marauders become versed in combat with two lightsabers, and learn powerful attacks that utilize both weapons.

Advanced Classes:

Sith Marauder
Selected at Level 10
Entrusted wit the task of destroying the Empire's enemies, the dual-wielding Marauder embodies the teachings of Naga Sadow. Never hesitating, never faltering, there is no swifter bringer of pain in the galaxy.

Class Role : Damage
Weapon: 2 Lightsabers
Armor: Medium
Resource: Rage

Skill Trees: Annihilation, Carnage, Rage

Sith Juggernaut
Selected at level 10
A stalward defender of the Sith Empire, the Juggernaut embodies the teachings of Marka Ragnos, charging into enemies with heavy armor and pure rage.

Class Role: Tank, Damage
Weapon: Lightsaber
Armor: Heavy
Resource: Rage

Skill Trees: Immortal, Vengeance, Rage

Combat Role:  A Sith Warrior's skills with a lightsaber are unrivaled. Driving at their enemies with strong, crushing, blows, Warriors quickly beat their foes into submission or death. Though the lightsaber is their primary method of attack, Warriors also use thei dark command of the Force to paralyze, terrify and kill. Protected by heavy armor and their powers of intimidation, Warriors wade into the thick of the fight and unleash pure hatred and fury to eliminate all who would stand against them.

Equipment: Despite their reliance on their strength in the Force, warriors have no compunction about donning heavy and intimidating suits and armors. Unthreatened by the use of technology for biological augmentation, Warriors' vestments often make use of dangerous and experimental components that imbue the wearer with immense strength and fortitude.