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Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 2 – I'm Free – Free Falling

Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 2 – I'm Free – Free Falling

Once you finish up Character creation you are whisked away to jail and brought up to speed on what has been going on. You are now introduced to the Syndicate, headed by Philipe Loren who wants in on the Saints Media Group for 66% of the profits (before taxes). Johnny breaks loose just before Philipe shoot him and nails Philipe in the eye with a chair. You are now thrust into a melee fight where everyone else has guns. The game kindly explains how to throw punches for the respective console, which are the triggers (or L2 and R2).

You have initially only two but two more will come through the door at you. After the first wave, they will start shooting at you. Johnny will have control of the plane and put on some relaxing music for you to work with. Duck off to one side and start moving toward the door. Thankfully it is only one gunman for now. Wait for an opening and dash toward him. As you do, the plane will sway a bit. Recover and move forward to take down the gunman. You get a nice handgun to start shooting with so use it.

Keep moving forward to the next door and shoot the man on the other side. Johnny opens up the back of the planes and tells you to find some parachutes and jump. Head left and down the stairs, then break to the right. You have three people on the same level as you and two above, all shooting in your direction. There is a lot great dialogue between Johnny and Philipe Loren involving him and a small army. Head forward and to the left. There are immediately two people shooting at you. Kill them and move forward, turning to the right as you pass the second car to shoot another lady shooting at you. Go forward and you will have two more people shooting you, one to your immediate right, between the cargo boxes, and one more to the left, farther away. Head forward and to the right again to continue toward the back of the plane. There are two more people in this section of plane as you move back, one between the boxes and one hiding behind the car. Head forward along the right then turn left to make it to the back of the plane. Shaudi and you will be knocked out of the back of the plane and only you have a parachute.

You start the dive toward toward Shaundi when one of the Syndicate manages to grab you. Hit the prompted button to smash his face in and take his weapon. The first wave has three people in it. Aiming in free fall can be tricky but rotating around makes it easier to draw a good bead on your targets. The second wave has six people in it and you are introduced to moving around and flipping mid-air to get the shots you need. After you kill them you need to dive to catch Shaundi, of course while dodging debris. You can shoot out the cars and when done at the distance they will explode harmlessly. Once you catch her though the Syndicate starts coming at you with the plane. You will drop Shaundi and then need to shoot out the cockpit window. The rest of the plan is a cutscene so enjoy the brief break.

Once you are on the other side of the plane you have another wave of Syndicates coming at you. The first has seven people in it, all determined to shoot you. Two will stay above you while the rest drop below. Just after that Philipe will manage to get a hold on you. Pull the Left Trigger to hit him in the face, repeatedly. He will break away after a number of hits where you will shoot him again. Once again, dive for Shaundi to catch her. This concludes the second mission.