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SWTOR Walkthrough - Stolen Secrets - Coruscant - Jedi Knight

You get the mission "Stolen Secrets" after arriving in Coruscant and completing the mission "The Jedi Envoy"

Open the mission panel:

Stolen Secrets
The data files for the Planet Prison, a top secret Republic military weapon, have been stolen, along with valuable military hardware. A Rodian smuggler named Vistis Garn was behind the theft; he's known to work for the Migrant Merchants' Guild. Take a speeder to the old Galactic Market and infiltrate the Migrant Merchants' Guild warehouse to recover the stolen goods

Your tasks are to recover the stolen rockets, munitions, and weapons.

Head south to the Senate Plaza Taxi and travel to the Galactic Market. Exit the taxi station and go south through the Concourse. Reach the Migrant Merchants' Guild Warehouse. Enter the story area and get the three stolen items. While there, make an example of Vistis Garn's henchmen by defeating 6 of them for the bonus mission "Rout the Henchmen".

After you have all 3 stolen items, break down the security door and confront Vistis Garn. Battle him and his turrets, then talk to him again. He begs for his life. He only works for the Guild part time and does not want to die for them. You contact Agent Galen telling him you've found the thief. Agent Galen tells you to get the stolen design files and hurry back because of a major security breach. He wants to make a deal with you. He will give you the location of the people who hired him if you promise to let him go.

SWTOR Vistis Garn

Your options will be:
I promise
You'd better not lie
No promises

Try the second option. He tells you that Black Sun hired him. Them and the guild are rival syndicates, but Vistis works for both sides. His deal was to use the guild's slicer to decrypt the data files and then transmit a copy to Black Sun.

Your options are:
That's bad news
You're double-dealing scum

If the droid companion is with you it tells you that Black Sun is the real culprit here.

Vistis pleads that you take the data file he stole, and let him go. You can tell him:
You're free to leave (LIGHT)
Go then -- fast (LIGHT)
No. [Kill Him] (DARK)

The first two options result in light points and positive affection with the droid, while the third one results in negative affection and 100 dark points.

You should now take the Planet Prison data files to Agent Galen at Strategic Command in the Senate tower. Galen tells you that while you were gone, kidnappers grabbed Doctor Tarnis. You can respond:
That shouldn't be possible
Who are these kidnappers?
You're a complete failure

If you choose the first option, you tell him that the Senate Tower is the most secure building on Coruscant. It's full of guards. But Galen tells you the guards never stood a chance. Whoever the kidnappers are, they knew right where to hit us. Kira led a security team in pursuit, but the kidnappers split up during the chase. Kira Carsen sends a transmission. She is in distress. Your options are:
I'll help her.
Where are the Jedi Masters
That stupid girl

Choose first option for 15 affection with the droid. Third option will cause you to lose affection. Galen tells you that Kira's signal came from the spaceport. The kidnappers may try taking the doctor offworld. You need to stop the kidnappers before they escape with Doctor Tarnis.

This concludes the mission "Stolen Secrets" and starts the mission "Kidnapped".