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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 10: The Kayran

This walkthrough describes the general strategies for taking down the Kayran boss. If you plan on using the Kayran traps that you could purchase from Cedric, skip ahead to the next walkthrough, Indecent Proposal, for instructions on how to obtain the components necessary to build the traps BEFORE fighting the Kayran. Otherwise, read on and good luck!

The Kayran has two main attacks. The first is a tentacle slam attack. This is relatively easy to dodge. Simply stay put to lure the Kayran into raising its tentacle, then immediately roll to the side. The Kayran will hit the location where you were standing when it raised its tentacle, so as long as you’ve moved to the side since then you should be good. Its other attack is an immobilizing poisonous spit. If you get immobilized, you’ll have to repeatedly tap the left mouse to get free.

If you chose to use the Kayran traps, you can take advantage of the tentacle slam attack to deal some heavy damage. Place a trap on the ground and stand over it, luring the Kayran into attacking. Once its tentacle is raised, roll out of the way. The Kayran will attack the trap and its tentacle will be severed. Repeat this tactic for each of the two tentacles on the Kayran’s right side, as well as the two tentacles on its left side. The central tentacles cannot be trapped.

If you didn’t get the traps, don’t worry. You can use Yrden to kill the Kayran as well, and in much the same manner. Cast a Yrden trap on the ground and lure the Kayran into attacking. Its tentacle will be momentarily immobilized, at which point you can use your Silver Sword to hack off its limb at the glowing weak spot. Again, only the leftmost and rightmost tentacles can be severed in this manner.

Once the Kayran’s side tentacles are gone, the battle will enter into its second phase. This phase is basically just a quick time event in which you must click the right mouse to dodge the Kayran’s sweeping attacks. Successfully performing the quick time events will give you time to climb onto the tentacle. Use quick attacks to slash away at the Kayran. When the onscreen meter fills up, the Kayran will start shaking its tentacle, initiating another quick time event. In its struggles, the Kayran will knock over a nearby bridge. Press the space bar to pass the quick time event.

Some of the rubble from the bridge will fall onto the Kayran, forming a makeshift bridge for you to climb. Cast Quen on yourself and ascend the bridge, dodging the tentacle attacks. When you reach the top of the bridge, Geralt will take control and finish the monster himself.

You’ll get 1,750 experience points for felling the beast, as well as the Strong Stomach ability, which grants you +10% resistance to poisoning. Remember to loot the corpse and head back to the purple-clad merchant near the town entrance to collect your fee. If you were able to successfully persuade him into paying double, you’ll receive 1,000 orens and the Haggling ability, which reduces merchant prices by 20%. If you were unsuccessful in your attempts at persuasion, you’ll still receive 500 orens. You should also get a diagram for Kayran Skin Armor, the most powerful armor available in Act 1.