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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 2 – Human Noble Origin

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 2 – Human Noble Origin

This story opens with your family history and you being introduced to an old family friend. These all lead to you being introduced to Duncan. You are then told to find your older Brother, Fergus, and deliver your Father's orders to him, taking the first troops to Ostagar ahead of him. He reveals your Brother is upstairs with his wife and child. The conversations end for now and you can explore the Keep to find your brother.

Head north, out the Main Hall, and to the right, into the first door on the right. Break into the chest in the back of the room to get a greenstone.

The room just south of the Main Hall can be access easily. Inside is a locked chest with a potion ingredient inside it. There is a weapon stand, with an iron mace on it, and another locked chest with a Lesser Injury Kit inside it.

You can also break into the room to the south of the gate. Inside there you will find a locked chest with some Quartz, or another valuable stone inside it.

Head out and to the left, then turn right to find your way to the Chantry Temple and talk with Mother Mallol. She will tell you that she is keeping a vigil for your brother's forces and your brother.. You will find some books in here as well, “Bride Of The Maker” is on the pedestal in front of Mallol and to the right of the pedestal is “The Chant Of Light: The Blight”.

Head back through the Main Hall and go to the east, so you are headed toward the Pantry. You will find Ser Gilmore, who has been looking for you, to get you to collect your dog, ceasing the trouble it has been causing. This starts the quest, “Mischief In The Larder”.

Mischief In The Larder
Head directly north from where this quest starts. Go through the first door on the left and continue north to find Nan and your dog. You need to talk Nan down a little when you meet her, but again, take whatever course you want.

Head inside and you will have a conversation with your dog. After a few choices you will be able to name him. At the end of it however, you will be attacked by eleven giant rats. Wilmore and your dog will help you kill them all. After that, feel free to loot the Larder some. In the wooden crate to the east you will find a potion ingredient. To the right of the door, in the sparkling sack, you will find a Greenstone.

If you have the skill, you can break into the room to the north of the panty and collect more potion ingredients.

Head to the Library after that. Inside you can help your old teacher, Aldous, teach a pair of young squires about your family's history. This is a good chance to learn about it and you can gleam something of the present relations around your family. Explore the library to find two books, on on the cabinet just behind Aldous and one on the book shelf in the back right of the room. This gets you “The History Of Fereleden” parts 1 and 2.

Now it is time to continue toward finding your brother. Head back to the corridor and to the right. You will find your mother talking with friends. Talk with her some to learn more of the happenings about the town and castle.

Continue to the east, after talking a little more with your mother, then head south, up the slope and through two door and into the door on the right to find your Brother. Head inside to trigger the cutscene between your Brother and his family. This is followed by another with your whole family.

Father's Task
Once all that is done, investigate the bookshelf behind them to find the book “Politics of Fereleden” to get some extra experience. Now it is time for you to call it a night. Head across the hall to find your own room and finish up this part of the quest.

Howe Treachery
Objective: Howe has betrayed your family. Find them and defend them from the invading force!
You awaken at night to your dog growling at your door as someone knocks on it. The door opens to a servant declaring to you the castle is under attack, just before he is shot by an arrow. You are immediately in battle with two enemy soldiers. If you do not already have your gear equipped, which you should, do so now! Kill the first two, emerging into the hall. Two more soldiers will come after you.

After the soldiers are dead, your Mother will appear in armor, carrying her bow. Talk with her and be sure to opt to search for your Sister-In-Law and Nephew. Once you are out of conversation, loot the bodies and head back into your room. Look into the chest by the door to find a Lesser Health Poultice and a Small Grease Trap. Now head across the hall. You will find them dead. Now head into your parent's chamber to the south. In the unlocked trunk you will find an Iron Dagger and Greatsword as well as an Elm Longbow and Small Shield. To the left, just inside the door is a locked chest with some blank vellum inside it.

Now, head to the north, out of the family quarters. On the other side of the door you will encounter two more soldiers with two archers supporting them. In the rooms on either side you will find locked chest. Open them, if you can, to collect an iron ring, to the left and potion ingredients to the right. Head on north after that.

In the next corridor you will have a quick talk with your mother, setting your plan for getting out of the castle. Choose “What should we do?” followed by “Is there nothing else we can do?” and “then let's go to the treasury” to gain the sidequest “The Cousland Treasury”. Head into the room on the left to find a knight's corpse to loot for a Small Metal Round Shield made of iron.

Head east and head into the first room outside of the corridor you just left. Just as you exit the corridor you will encounter a servant running. With coercion you can convince him to fight with you, otherwise he will just run. There are six soldiers that are attacking your group in this area. Now head into the room south of the exit, the library. If you look in the back left you will find some blank vellum in a pile of books there. In the back room here you will find another locked chest with a Lesser Elixir Of Grounding inside, if you can get at it.

Head out of the library into the corridor to encounter more Howe Soliders, this time a single fighter, with two archers and two dogs backing him up. Kill them then head down the corridor on your right. Keep going south to find your way into the treasury. Your mother will give you the key as you approach the door on the right. Open it and head through, going for the door to the south to get the Family Blade. On the Armor Rack in the treasury you will find Scale Armor and the Cousland Guard Shield. On the Weapon Rack opposite the Armor, you will find an Iron Axe and an Elm Shortbow. In the family chest you will find the Family Sword, and the Shield of Highever. Collect all this then head out. Once you emerge from the treasury you will be attack by three Howe soliders, two fighters and an archer. After this, head into the main hall. Do note that just outside it is a pile of rubble with a Lesser Health Poultice and a Greenstone inside it.

Inside the main hall you will a seven Howe soldiers, two archers and a mage. Kill them all to find Ser Gilmore there to inform you of the happenings. He will tell you that your father was heading for the Kitchen Pantry.

Head to the left, out of the main hall, into the hallway leading to the kitchen. In this corridor you need to find four Howe Soldiers, one of which is much tougher than the others. Keep an eye on your health and that of your dog and mother.

Now head into the pantry and you will find your Father, very badly wounded. You will have a last talk with your Father and then Duncan. This will complete the Human Noble Origin Story.