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SWTOR Heroic Mission Walkthrough: Buying Loyalty - Ord Mantell

You receive the mission "Buying Loyalty" from Gizmel Gam standing outside a building in Oradam Village. This mission is a [Heroic 2+] level 7 mission so it is recommended you attempt this with a group. But if you are level 9 or above and have a companion with you, you should be able to solo it. You can also attempt making a run for the shipment, without fighting, if you are desperate.

Gizmel: Hey, uh, you there. Got a second? Talk politics? Talk shop? Talk business, maybe? I've got business to talk, if you're interested in talking. Name's Gizmel Gam. I'm with the government here. So what do you say? Interested in doing a little work? For me? For you? For the Republic?

Your options will be:
It's my duty to server
Go on
Talk faster.

If you choose the third option, he accuses you of being rude to him, he is just trying to offer you some work and threatens to rescind his offer. Your choices will be:
I was wrong.
What about pay?
You deserved it.

SWTOR Buying Loyalty

Try the first option to apologize to him. The situation is that he looks after one of the outlying villages, and the village is faltering in its love of the Republic. People are restless. The Separatists bring them stuff, and they start thinking the separatists are right. Then they get uppity, start talking about revolt, start getting violent. It's chaos everywhere.

Your dialog options will now be:
What do you need?
So shoot them.
I hate those separatists.

Choose the first option to ask him where do you come in. He tells you that he figures the best way to win the village over is to beat the separatists at their own game. Lavish the villagers with gifts. Show 'em we care, too. So he ordered a shipment of supplies. But now he gets word the shipment's lost out in Savrip territory and he needs someone to go get it. Tell him that he can count on you.

The  shipment had a droid rescue. It was last seen on Savrip Island. Savrips are massive vicious beasts, eat you for dinner soon as look at you.

Check your mission log:

[HEROIC 2+] Buying Loyalty
Repeatable - This mission can be repeated once per day. It is reset in the morning.
Gizmel Gam, a civilian working for the Ord Mantell Government, is trying to win a wayward village back from the separatists by offering them shipments of supplies. Unfortunately, those supplies went down with a crashed cargo ship on Savrip Island. Gizmel asked you to recover the lost supplies and return them to him. He suggested you start your search by looking for the shipment's droid escort, DK-9. Go to Savrip Island and look for the shipment and its droid escort.

Your task is to locate the shipment and its droid escort. Go to Savrip Island The Mantellian savrip is a large, lumbering creature with huge claws and an aggressive temperament - and the conflict on ORd Mantell hasn't helped. They are beginning to venture off Savrip Island and threaten populated areas of Ord Mantell. Their numbers on Savrip Island must be thinned. Kill 10 of them to complete bonus mission "Wild Savrip Hunting".

Locate on the map the waypoint for the droid. When you reach it, it appears to be malfunctioning: "Protocol failure. Cannot complete mission. Cannot complete shipment delivery. Oradam village. Protocol failure". You learn that the deliver failed due to protocol failure and that coordinates to destination are unreadable. Droid was attacked by a Savrip which caused this malfunction. Shipment is still intact. However you learn that it is not supplies like Gizmel Gam claimed, but rather illegal spice contraband from Kessel. At this point, you get a  choice when the droid asks you to deliver the shipment to Gizmel. You can agree, or, after learning it is spice, you can choose to have the droid destroy it and get 50 light points.

Return to Gizmel Gam. If you had destroyed the spice earlier, you inform him of what you did and he is very upset.

 If you chose to recover the shipment, then you can get 50 dark points by asking him for the money and 50 dark points for giving him the shipment.

This completes the heroic quest, Buying Loyalty.