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SWTOR Walkthrough - Dark Science - Korriban

Speak with Lord Renning at the Wilds Laboratory in Korriban to start this quest. This is a level 6 mission.

Lord Renning: Ah! I'd heard we were evaluating alien competency to be Sith. How fascinating to finally meet a test subject. I trust the sight of a messy operating table doesn't disturb you.

Your options are:
Nothing disturbs me
What are you doing?
How disgusting

Try the first option. Tha path to power is not for the fainthearted. Lord Renning tells you that this uses to be a tuk'ata - the hound-like creatures infesting Korriban's tombs. On the surface, nothing special. But Lord Renning can see this creature as an expression of pure dark side energy - aggression made manifest.

Your dialog options are now:
I'm impressed
I doubt that.
Quite the egomaniac, eh?

Choose the first option to ask him how he learnt that. Renning claims the Force told him so. It speaks to him. The Force is alive. It expresses its will in the physical world. This tuk'ata was one such form. The Sith are the highest manifestation of the Force's will.

Lord Renning has dissected hundreds of tuk'ata, forging a direct connection to the dark side. Each beast he examines advances him towards perfect unity. He now stands at a new frontier, but finds himself thwarted. His most perfect specimen - a tuk'ata mutant - escaped to the tombs before he could analyze it. Ask him if you can assist with recovering the specimen. Lord Renning tells you that his apprentice Melora saw which tomb the mutant beast fled into. Find out what she knows. Assist Renning, and you will be rewarded.

Speak to Apprentice Malora who is standing near a cage nearby.

Apprentice Malora: "Seeking Lord Renning's lost pet, are you?  Don't waste your time. That fool's research is pointless". You can reply with:
My, such an attitude
Explain yousrself
Who cares?

Ask her to explain herself. Apprentice Malora believes that Lord Renning is insane. He deludes the Dark Council into believing he's advancing Sith knowledge. The truth is he wastes the Empire's time and resources dissecting mindless animals. But if his experiments were discredited, he would be banished - and Malora would be rewarded. Your choices of dialog are:
Inform his superiors
Why reveal your plans
Don't manipulate me

If you choose the third option, you realize she is just scheming to get rid of her master. She tells you she has a greated destiny than serving as a research assistant in this pathetic excuse for a laboratory. Just a minor alteration to the mutant tukata's brain would allow her to reveal her master as a fraud. She wants you to bring her the brain before delivering it to Lord Renning and she will make it worth your while. Your dialog options are:
Sounds Dangerous
I'll consider it
That may be possible

Choose any of the options (You will actually be deciding what to do AFTER you retrieve the mutant tuk'ata brain). She insists it is a better deal, as you'll earn rewards from both the master and his apprentice.

The mutant tuk'ata escaped to the tomb of Marka Ragnos. It's much larger than the others, so it's easy to spot. She wants you to return to her with the brain before seeing Lord Renning.

Check your mission log:

Dark Science
Lord Renning's dark experiments were interrupted when his specimen, a mutant tuk'ata, escaped. You agreed to recover the brain of the mutant beast, but Lord Renning's apprentice, Malora, has asked to see the brains first so that see can alter it to discredit Lord Renning's pointless and delusional research.

Basically once you have gotten the brain, you will have to decide if to first return it to Malora, or bring it straight to Lord Renning.

Locate the tomb on your map and head there. Enter the Tomb Burial Chamber. Your task now is to collect a plump K'lor'Slug Larva as bait. Those creatures should be nearby, kill them until you loot the bait. Next, you will have to lure the creature from hiding. Find the location on the map and go  there. Plant the bait inside a crate to summon the Tuk'ata. Now you can kill the Mutant Tuk'ata to get its brain. It is a level 5 Headbutter Boss with 425 HP so be careful. After you kill it, loot its brain.

SWTOR Dark Science

Now you can choose between returning to Lord Rennings or to first go to apprentice Melora

If you go to Apprentice Melora first, you can give it to her for 50 LIGHT points. She adds a chemical to it that will make it appear as though Renning is falsifying his research. All that would remain then is for Malora to whisper the right words in the wrong ears. She transfers credits to your account and tells you to give Lord Renning the brain now. Go speak to Lord Renning. He is satisfied and does not suspect anything and gives you a reward as well.

If you do not go to Malora but straight to Renning, you give it to him for 50 DARK points. He is excited and cannot wait to analyze the mottling along the frontal lobe. He asks you if there is anything else. You can tel him:
Just my Fee (LIGHT)
Malora is a Traitor (DARK)

Ratting out on Malora nets you another 100 dark points. You tell him how she asked you to sabotage his experiment. Malora denies it, but Lord Renning knows the truth when he hears it. He is releasing her from his service... eventually. But until then, he will torture her with lightning and "interrogate" her. You also get the following mail from her after a few days:

From: Apprentice Malora
Subject: Lord Renning's Research
You have no idea what you've done, do you? That tuk'ata brain was just the beginning. Lord Renning's after K'lor'slug eggs now, and I'm expected to get them. Punishment for my weakness, he says. Before I become brood meat, my master ordered me to send you this gift. He hopes it will lessen the chance of you being killed. May he be as wrong in that as he is in everything else.

Attached to the mail are two Basic Fortitude Stims.

This concludes the mission, Dark Science.