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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 22: The War Council

As you begin this quest, a war council has been called to discuss the recent events that have befallen Aedirn. Saskia will request your presence there, but will ask Skalen to show you around the area first. This initiates the quest The War Council.

You will begin in the middle of the area. From here, Skalen will first lead you to the tavern. Follow him down the stairs and into the tavern before heading upstairs to find your room. After showing you to your room, Skalen will leave you to your own devices. You can either explore the town more on your own or head straight to the war council. Once you’ve decided that you’re ready to meet with the others, leave the tavern and walk back up the stairs to reach the main area of the town. Turn to the left and head past the encampment that houses the tavern. Look towards the left to find what looks like an entrance to a mine shaft tucked away in the corner. Walk into the cave and keep heading straight to eventually find the war council beginning in the middle of the cave system.

A battle is about to take place, and Saskia will need as many soldiers as possible. She will invite Iorveth to participate in the meeting, a suggestion that most of the attendees will balk at. After some persuasion, however, they will change their tune and allow Iorveth and his archers to aid them. All will seem well in the meeting until suddenly Saskia falls ill. Her wine has been poisoned. Philippa will take Saskia to her house in order to administer magical healing in hopes of staving off the poison, but she will task Geralt with finding some immortelle, royal blood, a rose of remembrance, and a magical crystal in order to make the potion that will ultimately defeat the poison.

Asking Philippa where to find the ingredients will open up a series of new quests, including Where Is Triss Merigold, A Matter Of Life And Death, Subterranean Life, Hunting Magic, Royal Blood, and The Eternal Battle. You should also discuss the possibility of a curse causing Saskia’s ailments. At this, the quest will end and you will receive 500 experience points.