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Skyrim Walkthrough: The Book of Love

Go to the Temple of Mara in Riften to begin this quest.

Enter the temple and talk to Dinya Balu. She asks what is it you seek. Ask her which of the Eight Divines she serves. She tells you that they are devoted to the Goddess Mara, who gave mortals the gift of love that they might have a hint of eternity. Her blessings are many. To love is to know the true nature of the gods. Ask her if you may receive her blessings. Dinya Balu tells you that not all can hear the broad echoes of the deepest dawn. To receive the touch of Mara, you must first act as her hands in the world. Explore the facets of the infinite jewel. Are you prepared, then, to help bring light across this land?

Your dialog choices will be:
Just tell me what to do
I don't think I can help you

Choose the first option to commence the quest "The Book of Love". She says the dawn surely opens upon you. You must bear its light so that all may see. Mara has reflected an image to her. At the foot of the throat and young woman, almost a girl, her fickle love must resolve itself. The village of Ivarstead. The woman, Fastred. This is the prayer heard by the goddess and relayed to her servants. Return when she has seen her path.

Check your quest log:

The Book of Love
I've agreed to help the Temple of Mara help the cause of love throughout Skyrim

Talk to Fastred

Fast Travel to Ivarstead. Find Fastred who usually is working in a farm. She asks you if you are the one sent by Mara. You can reply:
Yes. What's troubling you?
How did you know I was coming?

She tells you her parents are being impossible. Bassianus wants to marry her, and she thinks she loves him. But he wants to move to Riften afterwards, but her father won't allow it. He only cares about this stupid town, but Bossianus makes her happier than anyone ever has. Her mother's not any help, either.

You can now tell her:
You sound a little confused
I'll talk to your parents about it

You can choose any of the options, and your objective now will be to talk to Fastred's parents.

Enter the house near where Fastred was, and talk to Fastred's mother, Boti (or find her at the same farm her daughter was in). Tell her that her daughter asked you to speak to her. Boti asks you not to tell her husband, but she does not have any problems with Bassianus. Even if it means leaving Ivarstead, she wants Fastred to be happy. If they just snuck out of town together, she could manage her husband. Ask her what would inspire them to leave. She says that Bassianus is still so terrified of Jofthor. But she wants you to let Bassianus know that she will watch out for them. She just wants her daughter to be happy.

Now talk to Fastred's dad, Jofthor. If he is not in the house, try Vilemyr Inn. Jofthor doesn't believe that his daughter is really in love with Bassianus. He thinks she is actually in love with Klimmek. Ask him why he wants her to stay so badly. He tells you there's not much left in this town. If all the young people leave, what would become of Ivarstead? He says Klimmek is spineless and wants you to give Klimmek a little push to bring Farsted and Klimmek together again.

Your task now is to talk to Bassianus or Klimmek. There is no right or wrong choice. You decide who should Fastred marry. Either talk to Klimmek and tell him to be more assertive, or talk to Bassianus and tell him to elope, run away to Riften with Fastred.

After that is done, listen to their conversation and your objective should soon update to return to Dinya Balu at the Temple of Mara in Riften. You tell her that you helped the young lovers in Ivarstead. She has another task for you. Go to Markarth, there you'll find Calcelmo, wise, acid, and reclusive. Help him to emerge and state his intentions.

Your new objective is to talk to Calcelmo. Go to Markarth and enter Understone keep. Tell Calcelmo you've been sent by Mara to aid him. He says he was beginning to lose faith that any help would come. He has been thinking about Faleen, Jarl Igmund's housecarl. But he can't seem to speak when he is around her. Tell him he is probably overthinking this. Ask him if there is anyone who knows what she likes. He tells you about Yngvar who is quite popular with the ladies.

Your task is to get advice from Yngvar the Singer. Find him using the quest marker, and tell him you've heard he might now what Faleen likes. Tell him it's not for you, but for Calcelmo. Yngvar tells you that even though Faleen likes to act tough, she has a soft spot for poetry. There's a poem that Ynvar once used on an older lady of Rorikstead. He can change it to be about Faleen, if you've got some gold. Tell him you will buy it, costs you 200 gold. He instructs you to take the poem directly to Faleen. Take the love poem and give it to faleen to read. If Faleen is not in Markarth because of choices you made for the civil war quests, then you will find her in the Blue Palace in Solitude. Tell her it's from Calcelmo. She reads it and thinks the poem is lovely. She gives you a letter to take to Calcelmo. Your objective now is to deliver Faleen's letter. Give it to Calcelmo. Follow him as he goes to Faleen and listen to them talk, and your objective will complete. Return to Dinya Balu for your final task in this quest.

Tell Dinya how you helped the forlorn lovers of Markarth. She tells you to take this symbol of Mara. She will guide you to the wandering souls of two whose love was so great that their entwinement binds them to this world. Put on the Amulet of Mara, and then you need to talk to the long dead lover in Gjukar's Monument, south of Morthal. Talk to the ghost of Ruki. She is searching for Fenrig who was marching with Gjukar's men. She wants you to help her look for him. He has a bright red beard and hair. Tell her the last battle here was hundreds of years ago. but she does not believe you. Now, find Fenrig south of Greenspring Hollow. Tell him his wife is looking for him, west in the plains over the mountain. Tell him you will take him to Ruki. Bring Fenrig to Ruki (Fast Travel is ok). Then after their dialog, go back to Dinya Balu in the temple of Mara.

Tell the priestess how you helped the long dead lovers find each other. You get the Agent of Mara active effect. It gives you a permanent +15 resist magic. This concludes the quest, The Book of Love.