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SWTOR Walkthrough - Protection - Hutta

Speak to Donal at the Evocii camp to the east of Jiguuna to start this mission. This is a level 7 quest.

Donal: I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill them! That's what I'm going to do! I'm gonna take my blaster and - Oh sorry, I, uh, didn't realize you were here. Please, I got nothing left to give you. I already paid my protection money - please!

You can tell him:
Calm down.
I don't understand
I don't care

Tell Donal to calm down. You're not here to hurt him. Leah, standing near him, says that you do not look like one of Fa'athra's boys. Maybe you can help them.

The dialog wheel comes up:
Hold on there
I'm really confused
I don't do charity

Tell them you are confused, and you will ask them to tell you what is going on. Donal tells you that a couple of months ago, his brother and his family started a farm on the other end of the swamps, near Fa'athra's Palace.  But when his brother couldn't afford to pay that slimy hutt his protection money, Fa'athra sent his goons to kill him and his family. You can respond with:
Hutts are worthless
That's life
What did you do about it?

Ask him what he did about it, suggesting that maybe he could have helped his brother pay Fa'athra. But Donal tells you he has his own protection money to pay and nothing to spare. But that is not the worst of it. Now Fa'athra's goons have set up on his brother's old farm. Never even bothered to give his brother a proper burying - just left his body for the birds to pick apart.

Leah asks for your help. She and Donal are not fighters, but someone has to stand up to Fa'athra's thugs. Will you help them? You can tell her:
What do you need?
Is there a reward?
It would be a pleasure

Ask about the reward. Donal tells you that his brother stashed a case with valuables in his house in case of hard times. There's a trick to getting it open, so bring it back to Donal as proof you got revenge on Fa'athra's thugs, and he will open it for you. You can say:
Anything to leave this place
This isn't my business

Choose the first option to tell Donal that this is a done deal. Donal says that it will not bring back his brother, but maybe it'll show those other goons that the people of Hutta aren't as powerless as they think. Donal's brother's farm is near Da'athra's Palace. He kept his stash hidden in the rafters. The contents of the stash will be yours once you finish this quest.

Open your mission panel to get the full description:

Donnal's brother and his family were killed by Fa'athra's men when they couldn't afford to pay protection money. The goons have now set up their base of operations at Donal's brother's farm. Donal informs you that there's a stash of valuables at the farm and only he knows how to open it. He'll open the lockbox for you if you help him get back at the goons responsible for his brother's death. Defeat Fa'athra's goons and retrieve the lockbox from the hidden stash behind a vent high on a wall at the abandoned farm.

This mission has 2 objectives:
Defeat Fa'athra's Goons (0/10)
Retrieve the Lockbox

SWTOR Hutta Protection

Open your map and locate the abandoned  farmhouse, it will be just up the road to the north. There are goons outside the house, as well as inside it. Kill 10 of them and you will complete the first objective. Inside the house, go to the room in the Southeast. Defeat the Fa'athra Goon Boss there.  Then go to the center room. Jump and climb on some crates at the Northeast corner of the room to find the hidden stash.

Your task now is to speak with Donal again and let him know the Fa'athra Goons who killed his brother have been dealt with. Return to Donal and talk to him. He opens the stash for you and gives you the content, which is a [green] item. You also get experience and credits.

This concludes the mission, Protection.