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Final Fantasy XIII-2 End-Game Walkthrough Part 14: Yaschas Massif 110AF Part 1

Yaschas Massif 110AF is a great area to harvest new Fragments and monsters. There are six Fragments located around this level. The first is the Gerhilde’s Blossom Fragment. Head to the Paddraean Archaeopolis area to begin the side quest necessary to obtain this Fragment. Examine the red glowing ruby with a speech bubble above it. You will now have to find Marie’s sister. She will be waiting for you down a previously closed-off path to the right of the Pass of Paddra area. Use Moogle Hunt to find her and speak with her. Her name is Millie, and she will hand over the Wedding Jewelry that you need. Return the jewelry to the ruby to get the Gerhilde’s Blossom Fragment in return.

The second Fragment is the Waltraute’s Flower Fragment. After completing the previous quest, speak with the ruby. You will have to go to the command center, the area where you met up with Hope and Alyssa in the story, and open a hidden chest using Moogle Hunt. You will receive the Service Manual. Make sure that you have Gyshal Greens enough to feed several Chocobos, then head out to the south and climb onto the Rambunctious Chocobo. These creatures devour Gyshal Greens at an alarming rate, hence the increased amount of the herbs that you had to bring along with you.

Anyways, ride the Chocobo into the northern half of the Pass of Paddra area. Jump onto the platform over the small gap. Get off of the Chocobo and speak with the NPC named Technical Engineer. A Live Trigger Event will occur, to which you should respond “The Manual.” The Technical Engineer will hand you the Technician’s Note. Before returning to cash in on the quest, run around the central stone to loop around behind it. In the northwestern part of the area, you should be able to find a chest. Open it to collect the Terrorist’s Mark item, which will be needed to obtain the next Fragment. Now return to the ruby to collect the Waltraute’s Flower Fragment. Head to the ruby at the top of the ramps in the south of this area and speak to it. You already have the Terrorist’s Mark, so trade it for the Ortlinde’s Bloom Fragment.

After completing the previous three quests, a waypoint marker will appear on your map. Follow it to reach the starting point for this next quest. It will lead you to the Pass of Paddra area, where you will find a Spacetime Distortion. Interacting with it will plunge you into a puzzle.

Puzzle: Hands of Time

This puzzle, and the others like it, sadly have no specific solution. They are randomized every time you play them. The best you can do is to understand the general strategies required to succeed in these puzzles. You will have to utilize a clock with a random series of numbers printed across it. You can stand over the hands of the clock at a number to “switch” it. When you do this, the hands of the clock will converge on that number before spreading out in opposite directions the number of spaces indicated by the number that you are standing on. So, for example, if you hit 5, each hand will move 5 spaces in the opposite direction. The number that the hands land on will be erased. You goal here, then, is to erase every number on the face of the clock.

Once you beat the puzzle, you will receive the Book of Avalon Fragment.