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Final Fantasy XIII-2 End-Game Walkthrough Part 15: Yaschas Massif 110AF Part 2

The next Fragment is the Ugallu Fragment. You must have completed most of the previous side quests, covered in the previous guide, to activate this one. A waypoint will appear after you obtain the previous Fragment guiding you to this next one. Travel to the waypoint in the Pass of Paddra area and speak with the ruby to obtain the quest. You will have to face an optional boss battle against a monster called Ugallu. You will find it waiting for you on the far left side of the map. Before you head over here, make sure that your party is ready. Ugallu is actually pretty tough, even for properly leveled parties. The Paradigm Deck that you will want to equip yourself with is detailed more below, but you should be sure to dig in for a long and arduous battle before going to the Pass of Paddra.

Boss Battle: Ugallu

You should have your party at a fairly high level before tackling Ugally. If you have been following along with the guide so far, you should be all prepared to tackle this boss. If not, try to have at least 2,100 HP for Serah and 3,000 HP for Noel, as this battle can actually be very tough for lower-leveled parties. Even for parties with higher levels, Ugallu’s powerful attacks can be demanding. Instead of trying to rush him with brute force, instead try to always have a Sentinel in each Paradigm in your Deck to attract attacks and take the brunt of the damage. Useful Paradigms for this battle include Protection (Medic, Synergist, and Sentinel,) Solidarity (Medic, Commando, and Sentinel,) Premeditation (Saboteur, Synergist, and Sentinel,) and Delta Attack (Ravager, Commando, and Sentinel.) Finally, you may want to bring in a Sentinel with the Fringeward ability, or something similar, as it will protect your party from physical damage, which gets to be very important after Ugallu is staggered.

Ugallu will use Roar at the beginning of each battle to buff itself with numerous status enhancements. It will repeat this move at several key intervals in the battle. Each time that it uses Roar, you are one step closer to defeating it. The creature will also cast Virulent Breath, which can poison or even curse your party members. For these reasons, it is best to begin the battle in the Premeditation Paradigm. Use your Synergist to remove the status effects laid out upon your party while the Saboteur debuffs Ugallu back to his normal state.

Other than casting buffs and debuffs, Ugallu will also physically attack you. This phase of the battle only begins after he casts his Roar and Virulent Breath abilities. He will use swiping attacks that have a fairly large area of effect. This is why you will need the Sentinel with the Fringeward ability; these attacks can do some pretty heavy damage to your entire party all at once, and without a Sentinel casting defensive buffs they can become extremely annoying. Once Ugallu has been debuffed back to his default state and your party has been strengthened to above their initial stats, you can freely switch to a more offensive Paradigm to begin building Ugallu’s Chain Gauge.Be sure to always have a Paradigm with a Medic on hand though, as the frequent physical attacks will be unrelenting and you may need to heal on little notice.

When attacking back against Ugallu, do not bother casting anything using Lighting, Wind, or really any Magic at all. All of these attacking methods do half damage against the powerful creature. It’s still useful to have a Ravager in your party sometimes, though, as they can still drive the Chain Gauge up decently enough. Given that Ugallu has a Chain Resistance of 90, you will need to spend a lot of time on driving that Gauge upwards. You may also need to spend a lot of time healing, as the swiping attacks can hit everyone at once. Just remember that every second you spend healing is a second that you could be driving the Chain Gauge up. If you do need to heal, quickly switch back to a more offensive class to take advantage of the ATB Refresh technique.

After you stagger Ugallu, he will become even more dangerous. His attacks will become more powerful and more frequent. It will almost be too much for under-leveld parties to handle; even for a properly leveld party, this portion of the battle can be very difficult. For this reason, you should switch to a Paradigm with a Medic in it right before you stagger Ugallu. That way, you can cast healing spells on your party to make sure that they are prepared for the onslaught of physical attacks coming their way while still casting protective spells on your party and using offensive abilities to maintain the Chain Gauge at its high state. The Solidarity Paradigm is recommended for this. Once Ugallu has been staggered, switch to the Delta Attack Paradigm to finish him off.


You will receive the Ugallu Fragment and 2,000 experience points for defeating this challenging boss. A special cutscene will also play after you have defeated Ugallu, a nice little reward for persistent parties.

The final Fragment in the area is the Control Device Password 1 Fragment. You will have to start the Adamantite Ring side quest in Bresha Ruins 100AF and collect the Throne’s Information Key from Uma in Yaschas Massif 100AF before finding this Fragment. Go to the Pass of Paddra area and head to the far right until you reach a dead end. You should see a mild distortion. Use Moogle Hunt to reveal a person, and speak with him. A Live Trigger Event will occur, to which you should answer “Thorne.” You will get the Control Device Password 1 Fragment and 300 experience points. Note that you can still find this man if you have not completed the previously mentioned quests, but you will not actually be able to obtain the Fragment until those quests have been completed. Anyways, you are now done with the Yaschas Massif 110AF area, so feel free to move on to Academia 400AF for more optional boss battles and more Fragments.