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Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Walkthrough Part 9 - Old Friends, New Enemies

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Walkthrough Part 9 - Old Friends, New Enemies

Fast Travel to the House of Ballads, cross the bridge and head to the northeast, into the Hall of Accolades. Enter to hear a snippet of conversation between Alyn and her contact. Head right and talk with them. You can talk with Alyn and learn a good bit of backstory. Talk with Glianal who ultimately rejects the codex, saying it is a forgery because of its contents. After you can talk with him to learn about the Echostone and about the numerous cairns that are used to unlock its powers. You can also get a fae perspective on their war. Now talk with Alyn again to continue things forward. She will point you toward the one … thing … that can get you into Ysa, Nyralim. He is apparently found in Caer Nyralim.

This is to the east of both Webwood and Haxhi, inside the Sidhe. You will find the entrance in the southwestern part of the woods. Head on through.

Caer Nyralim
On the other side awaits the Tenders of Nyralim. Just follow the path that winds around the giant tree in the middle of the area. Approach and you will be speaking with the World Tree Nyralim. Make your choices within the conversation. He will ask you to hunt down and kill Gnarsh, a corrupted troll in Haxhi.

You will find Gnarsh close to the central northwestern area inside Haxhi. You will find your target inside the Haxhi dam which is guarded by a Rock Troll. Kill it with poisons and physical attacks then head inside the dam itself

Haxhi Dam
Inside you will find your “friend” Alyn Shir waiting. Talk with her then start to the northeast. As you reach the first bridge inside the dam you will encounter the first of the trolls. Kill it then continue your northern trek.

As your round the first corner past this, you will encounter a troop of four Tuatha Raiders. Deal with them quickly as they have good numbers and a variety of weapons. Continue to follow the path as it winds to the west then south. As it heads south you will encounter more Tuatha Raiders, these with a spell-caster among their ranks. Kill him first to weaken everyone as he starts by casting a protection spell.

Now head to the east, crossing another bridge. On the far side, in the tunnels you will find Tuatha apparently controlling some of trolls. This group is simply two Raiders and the Troll. Kill them all then continue to the east. You will encounter a patrol of Tuatha Soldiers. Unfortunately, as you near defeating the group you will see a burst of red light come from the tunnel you would be going down. From there a Rock Troll will emerge.

Follow the tunnel as it goes north then start to go to the east. As it does, you will find another of the troops inside the dam. This one has two sorcerers and a subdued Rock Troll they seem to be experimenting on. Either engage in a fight or creep up and backstab as much of the group as possible. Be sure to grab the chest in the northern part of this area as they have some nice gear and items in them.

If you need to, use the Sagecraft altar to quickly modify any of your equipment. After that, head to the east. Bear to the south briefly to collect some more chest then continue to the east to fight Gnarsh

This is much like your first boss fight of the game but with help this time. You can also use Reckoning mode to lay into Gnarsh, easily draining half, if not all of her health. Like with any troll, watch for her wind-ups and dodge or block as appropriate for your style. Remember that Trolls are fairly resistant to magic so mages will have something of a harder time. Still, just pour it on with some potions and you will finish her off without too much trouble.

After the fight, you need to talk with Alyn. She will ask you to head back to Nyralim and report on your success.