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SWTOR Walkthrough - The Rancor Egg - Hutta

Speak with Urgrec, standing near the dancing floor,  in the Cantina in Nemrp's Palace to begin this mission. This is a level 10 quest.

Urgrec: Hey, you, I understand you been workin' for Nem'ro. I mean, I've seen you comin' in an' out of this place often enough. So am I right or am I wrong? Are you working for the big guy?

You can answer him with:
Who are you?
Not by choice

Ask him who he is. He seems to know a lot about you, but you don't know anything about him. Urgrec tells you about Nem'ro's little menagerie in the beast pens down beneath. Urgrec is the guy who keeps the beast pens stocked. He has a business proposition for you. You have the chance to help him and Nem'ro, and help yourself a little in the process. But it will take strength, and guts. You can reply:

What do you need?
Hurry it up.

Ask him what he needs. Urgrec tells you that Nem'ro wants a rancor. All the big time Hutta Have them. Nem'ro wants one. Your're gonna get him one. Rancors are seven meters tall, capable of swallowing a person in a  single gulp. But he has it all figured out. You can say:
Let's talk money
Sounds fun
Should I be worried?

Choose the second option. You are not afraid of a little challenge. Urgrec tells you how Fa'athra's no good beast tamer's already procured a rancor egg. Now we can't have that egg hatchin', and Fa'athra gettin' a full grown rancor before Nem'ro. Urgrec needs someone to steal that egg, and destroy the eggs of his other creatures - teach that beast tamer a lesson.

Tell Urgrec you can handle it. Urgrec says that the egg is in the back of Fa'athra's beast chambers. Meaning you will have to do a bit of fighting to get it. But nothing you can't handle.

Open the mission log:

The Rancor Egg
Urgrec has been ordered by Nem'ro to acquire a rancor for his collection, and he needs your help. He's learned that Fa'athra has a rancor egg and asks you to steal it for him. Steal a rancor egg and destroy any other beast eggs you come across in the beast pit on the third floor of Fa'athra's palace.

This mission has 2 tasks:
Steal a Rancor Egg
Destroy 3 Beast Eggs

The Rancor Egg

Go to Fa'athra's palace to the east of the map, and fight your way to the third level of the palace, then go to the central chamber. There should be many eggs in this room. Kill the Vicious Chemilizards and Toxic Chemilizards (Level 8 Infected Creatures)  that are protecting the rancor eggs, then destroy the eggs themselves. Killing a Chemilizard will also initiate the bonus mission "Lizard Hunting" which has you kill six of those chemilizards in Fa'athra's beast pit to deplete his stock.

After destroying three rancor eggs, go to the cages in the east. There are Fa'athra Commandos and Palace Lieutenants guarding those cages. Neutralize the enemies. Then get the Rancor Egg.

Quick Travel back to Hutta and report to Urgrec. He gives you your reward. You can try asking him if he has any other jobs, but he does not.

This completes the mission, The Rancor Egg.