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Twisted Metal Sweet Tooth Walkthrough Part 1: Sunsprings, CA

The first mission in Sweet Tooth’s campaign is a good old fashioned deathmatch on the Sunsprings, CA map. Despite the map’s initial plain appearance, there are a number of hidden tricks and weapon stashes that will help you to make the most of this arena. In order to receive a gold medal on this map, especially on Twisted difficulty, you will need to know where these are.

A large mansion sits on a hill to the east of the map, accessible by crashing through the gate that leads off of the main road. You can drive straight through the front door of the mansion to find a staircase. Crash through the walls here to find tons of weapon pickups and a path to the balconies, which contain even more weapons. If you’re playing on Twisted difficulty, this can be a good spot to hide out if you become overwhelmed by the opposition. Burst through the wall and onto the balcony, and then wait for the enemies to follow you up the driveway before blasting them with Homing Missiles or the Sniper Rifle and jumping off of the balcony when they get too close. Swing around the back of the mansion to find a swimming pool with a submerged health pack at the bottom.

Another notable area in Sunsprings is the movie theater. Your spawn locations are random, but depending on where you spawned you may start out pretty close to this one. Tucked away at the northern end of the map, you can find the Filmtime Cinema by looking for the giant, glowing pink neon film reels that have been erected on the roadside nearby. Driving through the front of the theater will see you sliding around crushing seats and pedestrians beneath your truck. There are two different theaters to visit once you’ve driven through the entrance. The theater on the left contains a Remote Bomb and a Stalker Missile, while the theater to your left will have Swarm Missiles, Fire Missiles, and a Turbo canister. Two ramps at the back of the building will lead you to the roof for a quick escape.

Then there are the two schools in Sunsprings. Both of them are laid out the same way, and both of them are on opposite sides of the map. One lies to the east, while the other sits in the west area of the map. You can reach either by following the main road around to the football stadium behind them, or by taking the central loop on the map to reach their front steps. In the football stadiums, drive along the bleachers to collect some power-ups, and then drive into the announcer’s box to find health. Then go around the front steps of the school to find a neat little hidden area. By boosting off of the stairs, you will crash through the sign in front of the school and go hurtling through the front of the second story of the building. Only the front portion of the second story is destructible in this way, so don’t go trying to ram your way through the front of the building on ground floor. If you really need to, you can also bash your way in through the sides of the building, though.

By hurtling through the halls of the school, you can collect numerous power-ups and access ramps to the roof of the school. This area makes for another great vantage point if you are becoming overwhelmed and need a breather. You can funnel enemies up through the ramps and blast them away with the Shotgun or the Ricochet to send them flying. Just be aware that daring competitors can also make it onto the roof by boost jumping off of the bleachers, so don’t get too content in your high position.

In between the school’s football stadiums is a giant hill. You may not be able to immediately figure out how to get back there. Turns out you will have to destroy some of the environment before clearing yourself a path. Look up to find several satellites positioned n the hill. Shoot the satellite to destroy it, forming a makeshift ramp up into the hills. Behind the ramp, in the hills, you will find a health pack, a Sniper Rifle, and multiple types of Missiles. This is a great way to quickly restore your health and get yourself back into the fight at the same time if you have been struggling. Grabbing yourself a Sniper Rifle power-up and perching on top of the downed satellite to snipe enemies can prove particularly devastating. Be sure to wait as long as you can before pressing R2 a second time. If you train your shot on the enemy long enough, you will get an instant-kill headshot.

Finally, be aware that much of this environment is completely destructible. While you have probably already discovered that the homes in suburbia can be smashed through with ease, and that the satellite dishes on top of the hills can be destroyed to form makeshift ramps, there are several other notable areas that can be destroyed to take out your foes in a pinch. The previously mentioned neon movie reels outside of the Filmtime Cinema can be shot doen. This will send the topmost of the two reels on the sign rolling down the street. It will plow over any enemies in its way before coming to a stop. The other big destructible object in Sunsprings is the water tower. It is located right out front of the mansion that you visited earlier. This one in particular is great for taking out enemies who have grouped together. Shoot the water tower and it will bring a torrent of water down, sweeping away any enemies unlucky enough to be caught in it.

Use these strategies and secrets to your advantage when fighting the enemies, as they will be necessary on the higher difficulties. In addition to these strategies, always remember a few key strategies as well. These will be important in just about every match of Twisted Metal that you play. Remember that after you kill an enemy, you can get a health boost by running over the flaming driver and a random weapon pickup for running over the gunner. Also be on the lookout for the Health Semi, which will drive around the central loop in the middle of the level. Pulling into the back will completely restore your health. Finally, if you’re really having trouble, remember that you can hit Triangle to toggle to your alternate special weapon, in this case a giant flying mech, which can be devastating if enemies have grouped together.

In order to score a medal on this level, you will have to meet the following times:

12:00, 13:12, or 14:24 for a Bronze medal, on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

9:00, 9:54, or 10:48 for a Silver medal on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

6:00, 6:36, or 7:12 for a Gold medal on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

For beating this mission, you will unlock the Submachine Gun Sidearm for use in Single Player only.