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SWTOR Walkthrough - Flesh Eating Baby - Tython

On a mountain path in Lower Kaleth, leading NE from the Ruins of Kaleth to the Jedi Temple, lays a Flesh Raider corpse with a backpack near it. Interact with the backpack to start this mission. This is a level 5 quest.

Flesh Raider Backpack: As you check over the Flesh Raider's corpse, you notice movement from inside its backpack. A helpless Flesh Raider baby falls out of the backpack. It isn't aggressive and will obviously and will obviously die if left here alone. Master Quilb at the Jedi Temple has been known to take in orphaned animals. Perhaps he would watch it. The baby is obviously starved and won't the trip without food. The meat of the greater guid along the mountain path should do the trick.

Open your quest log:

Flesh Eating Baby
While traveling through Tython, you happened upon a Flesh Raider corpse and noticed something moving in its backpack. You checked the backpack and found a Flesh Raider child. The child was alive and friendly, but obviously starved. Master Quilb at the Jedi Temple would care for the child, but it will not survive a trip to the temple without food. There are several guid roaming the area that might provide a meal for the child. Kill guid along the mountain path and harvest their meat.

Flesh Eating Baby - SWTOR

Your task is to gather 3 guid meat. Head to the area south of the ruins and kill Greater Guids and any other Guids until you collect three guid meats. Drop rate is pretty high, so it should not take you long. Once you have gathered the food, return to the mountain path where you found the Flesh Raider baby and interact with the backpack again.

Inside the backpack, the Flesh Raider baby tears through the guid meat. It seems to gain some measure of strength. It may now be able to survive a trip to the Jedi Temple and Master Quilb. You receive the following mission item:

Flesh Raider Baby
Mission Item
A young fleshling. He's napping constantly after eating a staggering amount of guid meat.

Return to the Jedi Temple. Quick Travel is OK, or just follow the short route towards the north, and it will lead to to the Jedi Temple. Master Quilb is inside the temple at the main hall near the spiral ramp which goes to the 2nd level. Speak to Quilb:

Master Quilb: A Flesh Raider baby... see how the Force tests my dedication to assisting the helpless of this world. You did the right thing. Leave him with me; I'll convene the Council to decide how to handle this.  As a reward, you get a Tython Commendation in addition to credits and experience.

This concludes the mission, Flesh Eating Baby