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Gotham City Impostors Walkthrough Part 1 – Initiation Tutorial

Gotham City Imposters Walkthrough Part 1 – Initiation Tutorial

You start shooting the targets. You use L1 to aim and R1 to fire the gun. For the second weapon, a slingshot, everything is done through holding R1 in to charge the shot. The longer it is held, to its maximum, the farther and more damage it will do.

Next you are introduced to the grapple. You use L2 to fire the grapple gun. Watch the meter which is between your weapon and ammo read out. After you finish a grapple you can hit the jump button “X” to get a quick jump.

Roller Skates are next on the list. You need to go for the ramp on your right, which is by the vent. Head up the stairs on the left at the back of the room, then the following set. Hit the ramp to finish this bit of training.

The Spring Boots are next. These charge by holding L2 then you are launched several feet in the air. Head left and bounce up onto the cargo containers to hit the first marker. Charge up and launch while moving forward toward the edge of the container to reach the next marker. With some luck you will be carried over to the other side of the room to reach the final marker for this trial.

The Glider is the next power you are introduced to. Head toward the vent and while you are over it, hit L2 to launch upwards and glide toward the marker that is above you. This can take a try or two. Next is learning to dive bomb, which is hitting R1 while you are airborne and gliding. You can aim it while you  are dive bombing

Next is working on some of the support items. First is the pipe bomb, which you can hold down R2 then release when the fuse is at any length for the remaining duration to be spent. After that is the boomerang and other multi-target thrown items. Hold R2 to lock onto a target then release it to attack that target. Properly done, you can use a  single boomerang to take out all three targets.

With that you are thanked for going through the initiation into the Batz (and Jokerz) gangs of Gotham City. Welcome on board!