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Kingdoms Of Amaulr: Reckoning Factions Walkthrough Part 3 – Travelers: The Guided Hands, The Silent Step

Kingdoms Of Amaulr: Reckoning Factions Walkthrough Part 2 – Travelers: The Guided Hands, The Silent Step

Head into  Lorca-Rane. Just as you are arriving, assuming you came up from Didenhil, you will be approached by Grim Onwig who will offer you membership into the Travelers. He will tell you to head to Crilgarin. She is the leader of the Traveler's Camp in Dalentarth.

The Guided Hands
Head over to the Hierophant statue that is in the southern portion of camp. Pray at the statue, which is unnerved by your presence and it will ask you to steal three items, a Medallion, St. Eadric's Pall and Draug's Toothpicks.

St. Eadric's Pall
Being right by the Camp, this makes a good starting point. Head inside the chapel that is in the courtyard of the mission. Inside, wait for it to get down to just one monk. After that, hide behind the altar, nearby the tomb itself. Wait for the awareness to fade down then steal the pall.

Grilrica's Medallion
Head to Didenhal to find this one inside the Three Lamps Inn. You will find your mark on the ground floor in the northern part of the inn. Approach the doorway and hide on either side. Wait for your mark's awareness to fade then slip inside, preferably to the right. Wait behind his desk for Grilricas's awareness to fade again. Now grab his medallion, slip out of the room and leave town for your next destination.

Draug's Toothpicks
Head to Vorm's Lodge. You will find Gunnar Frode in the lobby of the lodge. Pick his pocket to get his room key. Now head upstairs and enter into his room. You will find his footlocker just inside the door. You can also just pick the lock as it is average. This will get you Frode's Map. Use it to locate Draug's Toothpicks which are in the Sidhe. You will find them in the northeastern part of the Sidhe. There are three Brownies nearby the pile of rocks that Frode hid the daggers in. Grab them to finish out this part of the quest.

Once you have them all, return to Star Camp and give them all to the Crilgarin.

Look around the middle of the camp and talk with Agarivin Hand. He will ask you for a strange task, to get arrested so you can steal the keys for the cells. This one is called, “Keeper of Keys”

The Silent Step
Crilgarin will tell you there is a second task the Hierophant has for you. It is tasking you to steal Buru's Boots from Ametair, Lord of the Hunt. The Hierophant can only find Ametair's aid, Aergase. Thus the trail will begin there.

Head to the Sidhe and go to the center island. Head up the slope to track down Aergase on the northern edge of the island. She reveals he is inside Arduath. The boots are apparently cursed in a fashion as they compel the wearer to hunt. Good thing it only works on the Fae and not mortals. You will find Arduath near the waterfall in the northern part of the Sidhe.

Head up the door just inside the entrance and go on through it. You have a chance to persuadehim and receive something for your efforts Other wise just talk with him to learn more about what is going on. Head on forward into the next room. You will find  Ametair waiting for you.

He will begin his assault on you with his faeblades. Parrying is a great way to get a lot of damage in on him. Otherwise, block until there is a pause in his assault then use that opening. Once you drain the first fifth of his life, he will beckon you enter farther into Arduath.

Follow the corridor forward and to the right to reach the next room. Ametair is waiting there. Re-engage with him. After a few rounds of attacking you he will again retreat deeper into his lair. Again, when you reach the next room he will attack you. Once you get another fifth of his life, he will head deeper in, opening the door for you.

Head forward and to the right. At the end of this long corridor, Ametair will stand and fight you. Tear into him now, keeping your own health up. Be sure to watch out for bleeding here as well. It is near the end of the fight and depending on things have gone he may have caused some already.

Once you defeat Ametair, loot his body for Buru's Boots. Now head north, then east and south to head out of Arduath. From there just travel back to Crilgarin in Star Camp to complete the quest.