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Twisted Metal Grimm Walkthrough Part 2: Grindhouse, Sunsprings, CA

This match takes place in a truncated  version of the Sunsprings, CA map that centers around the Filmtime Cinema area. Unlike the previous several matches, this is a simple, straight-up deathmatch. This is a small arena jam-packed with enemies, so watch out for attacks that will leave you in the middle of the fray absorbing damage from all sides. With all of the chaos in this arena, you should take a sort of poacher’s approach, focusing on enemies who have already been weakened to score easier kills. The Reaper motorcycle can be good at this, as its Chainsaw special can be devastating when properly prepared. Hold back on the left analog stick while driving to pop a wheelie, dragging the saw across the ground and using the friction to set it ablaze. With the Chainsaw on fire, you’ll have to aim carefully, as it will not home in on enemies. A successful hit will deal devastating damage, enough to kill most weakened enemies in one shot. Also useful is Reaper’s alternate special, the RPG. With so many enemies bunched together, you can easily lodge the RPG into one vehicle, charge it up for a while, and damage multiple cars with the splash damage. For these reasons, Reaper is probably the best choice for this fight. Just beware of its low health.

Other good choices for this battle are Death Warrant, Roadkill, and Outlaw; these are vehicles with decent speed and armor ratings, enough to withstand the battery of attacks you’re sure to suffer while still doling out some decent damage. Death Warrant’s special, the Chaingun, can be useful for slowly draining the health of your enemies, as its homing properties mean that you only have to aim in their general direction to score multiple consecutive hits.

Once the match has started, you should largely steer clear of the streets in front of the cinema, especially if you took the earlier advice and started as Reaper. This area is the most open area in the level, and you face the danger of taking attacks from all sides. Only retreat out here when you need health; the garage is located directly across from the front door of the movie theater, and a health semi circles the street around the area in case you need a quick boost. Otherwise, proceed into the Filmtime Cinema by smashing through the front doors and get ready for the chaos to begin.

You can pick up a few weapon power-ups in the lobby and in the hallway in the center of the area. With multiple enemies following you into this area soon, a well-placed RPG can be devastating at this early stage in the match. If an enemy follows you in, embed the explosive into it, let it cook for a while to power it up, and detonate it when other enemies come near. Otherwise, it can be even more effective to plant an RPG in the floor or in a doorway. Cook it and detonate it when the inevitable tide of enemies swarms into the theater. As you wait to destroy the approaching enemies, head down the center hallway to the individual theater rooms, where you can carve through the seats and pick up even more weapons.

The right-hand theater contains a health pickup, one of only two in this small level. The left-hand theater can be destroyed for a quick escape. Shoot the wall to the west to destroy it. This will open up a path to the streets outside, while the northern wall will give way to reveal a path to the parking garage. Again, this provides ample opportunity for a trap. You can set a Remote Bomb or an RPG in the doorway, detonate it when an enemy follows you through, follow it up with a flaming chainsaw toss for a kill, and peel out through the garage exit as more enemies funnel through. Alternately, if you find yourself low on health, you can use the western exit to the street in hopes of finding the health semi or paying a visit to the garage, which you will have to loop around the street to the left from the exit to find.

The parking garage contains a few weapons that make for a great addition to your arsenal. If you head through here, leading your enemies on a chase through the garage can work out well on your end if you can pick up the various power-ups before they can. There are two floors to the parking garage. Head to the second floor, to roof level. Here you can find a Sniper Rifle power-up, which can be useful if you weren’t followed. Perch on the edge of the roof and take out the strongest enemy you can find with a focused headshot. A pack of Stalker Missiles awaits you up here as well, just in case you need to spin around and deal some punishment to a pesky following adversary. There is also a great hiding spot on the roof, where you can refill your Remote Bombs and Power Missiles, and which makes a great sniping spot. Drive slowly towards the southern side of the rooftop to drop off onto a tiny ledge behind the sign.

You can also get into the theater again from the rooftop, finding a health pickup along the way. From the central part of the rooftop, turn around and shoot the large film reel statue on the roof. You will create a crater that will give you access to the hallway in the theater, and which contains a health pickup.

Reaper is a weak vehicle in terms of defense, but you can still win this match quickly and without visiting the garage by following these basic strategies in a pattern. Set a trap for the enemies in the lobby or the hallway, use the Remote Bombs you picked up to set a second trap in the left-hand theater entrance, escape through the wall to the garage or out to the streets if you need health, snipe a few enemies and destroy the rest with the Power Missiles and Stalker Missiles on the roof, and head back into the theater when you need health to grab the health power-up on the way back in. You should be able to defeat the pack of enemies in this match quickly.

In order to receive a medal on this level, you will have to beat the following times:

14:00, 15:24, or 16:48 for a Bronze on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

9:00, 9:54, or 10:48 for a Silver on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

6:00, 6:36, or 7:12 for a Gold on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

For beating this level, you will receive the Vermin vehicle.