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SWTOR Walkthrough - Flesh Raider Fact Finding - Tython

Inside the Jedi Temple on Tython, in the entry hall, talk to Master Kalisa Gehnso to begin this mission. This is a level 6 quest.

Master Kalisa Gehnso:  Congratulations Jedi, it seems like just the other day you came to Tython to study the Force. My Padawan would be a Jedi too, by now. She showed great talent, wisdom.. such potential.  She would've served the order well, but the Flesh Raiders extinguished her life. I sensed her final moments - terror, agony... then nothing.

You can reply with:
We must end their attacks
A great loss, I'm sure
This won't stand

Choose the third option, to tell her that the Flesh Raiders mustn't get away with this senseless slaughter.

But she tells you not to give in to anger. There are other solutions. If we understand the Flesh Raiders' culture, what motivates their violence, we may yet forge piece.  Unfortunately, our emissaries are met with aggression. The latest team fled, but not before witnessing strange idols in the Flesh Raiders' camp.  Do these idols fuel the creatures' rage? What do the Flesh Raiders gain from their worship? To know, someone truly brave must examine the idols.

You can say:
I will investigate the Idols
What's the use
You do it [Refuse quest]

Choose the first option, to tell her that the Flesh Raiders' motivation will soon be known to the Jedi.

Master Kalisa tells you that she would shield you from the Flesh Raiders, but this task is too vital. Inspect the idols, and record your findings. Stare into the face of what they value most, and ignore no detail, however trivial. Once you're done, give the data to Master Kalisa Gehnso or to Master Wix, Kalisa's ally in this cause. Master Wix is attending to the pilgrims in Kalikori Village.

Open your mission log:

Flesh Raider Fact-Finding
Flesh Raider attacks against the Padawans and Twi'lek pilgrims of Tython are a growing concern to the Jedi Order. Masters Gehnso and Wix believe the Flesh Raiders' strange idols may shed ligh on the creatures' aggressive behavior. You must inspect the Flesh Raider idols and record your findings., but doing so won't be easy. The idols can only be found deep in Flesh Raider Territory.

Your tasks are:
Examine the Bone Idol
Examine the Flesh Idol
Examine the Salvage Idol

The Flesh Raider territory is Southeast of Kalikori Village. You should take the taxi to the Kalikori Village, then travel on the road Southeast. Open your map and locate the three quest markers. They form a triangle in the Flesh Raider area. Start traveling the path to make your way to them. Fight through Flesh Raider resistance along the way, which can include Savage Manka Cats, Flesh Raider Pillagers, Flesh Raider Deathwatchers, and Flesh Raider Beastmasters.

The idols will be in Flesh Raider camps, surrounded by tents. When you find an idol, click on it to examine it and complete that specific objective.

Flesh Raider Fact Finding

Once you have inspected all three idols, your quest objective will change:
"You have located and analyzed the Flesh Raiders' grim idols. Report your findings to Master Gehnso in the Jedi Temple or to Master Wix in Kalikori Village"

The Kalikori Village is closer, so you might as well head there. Talk to Master Meeb Wix. You tell him you have studied the Flesh Raider Idols and give him your notes. Master Wix says that the idols appear to record the Flesh Riders' hunting patterns. Master Gehnso will be ecstatic.  With more research into your finding, we may finally learn what motivates the Flesh Raiders. Through knowledge, we may calm their appetite.  The pilgrims will learn of your bravery. May the Force be with you.

As your reward you get credits, experience pts, a Tython Commendation, and a piece of (Green) equipment.

This concludes the mission, Flesh Raider Fact-Finding.