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Poptropica Walkthrough - Mythology Island Part 2 - Sacred Item Scroll

After getting the Golden Apple from the Tree of Immortality,  the Satyr says that he will be leaving now and disappears. Suddenly there is a lot of thunder and lightning and black clouds in the sky. Zeus appears, and asks who has picked an apple of immortality. You say you are sorry and ask him if he wants it back. Zeus says he will grant you immortality. But firs you must perform a task. If you refuse, than all of Poptropica will feel his wrath.  You ask Zeus what you have to do, and he disappears, leaving behind:

Sacred Item Scroll

Examine the Sacred Scroll  in you inventory. It says:

Find these five sacred items and return them here to me. When you have found them all, the gift of immortality will be yours.
A flower from the Garden of the Sphinx
The golden ring of the Minotaur
A scale from the Hydra
A giant pearl from the kingdom of Poseidon
A whisker from Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld

Climb off the tree and go down.  A woman peasant suddenly transforms into a guardian with a spear.

You can ask her:
Who are you?
Can you help me?
Thanks. Anything else I should know?

When you ask her who she is, she tells you that she is Athena and to be careful with dealing with her father, Zeus, as he is not honest.  If you ask he whether she can help you, she says to look to the Olive Trees if you need her help.  Ask her what else you need to know. She says her brother Hercules might help you if you can convince  him.

Go to the right and go to the Grove of Temples. Find a big building with musical notes on it, and enter it.  find the sign that says:

Free Reed Pipes
Get out and make beautiful music

get the Reed Pipe. Jump up to the statue of the woman holding a pipe herself. She asks you how she can inspire you today.  You can say:

Never Mind
Can you teach me a song to play on my pipe?

Tell her to teach you a song to play on your pipe.  She tells you that you must first prove yourself a worthy musician and to play what she plays.

This starts a minigame. There are four buttons on the Reed Pipe, each a different color: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red.  Pay attention to what the statue is playing and repeat the same sequence in order. Each time the statue will play more notes. She will start with one notes,  gradually increasing the number of notes she plays. This game enhances your memory.

When you repeat the last sequence successfully, she tells you that you are a worthy musician and to listed and remember. Play this tune for Cerberus and he will fall asleep. You receive:

Pipe Tune
This tune was taught to you by Euterpe, the muse of music.