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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 37: Cure the Genophage Part 3

After defeating the Brute in the courtyard, make a left to exit the area from where the Brute emerged. Head down this path and you will soon reach a sunken-in area of the ruins, where the ground crumbled beneath your feet. A long passageway will be at the far end of the area. Take cover by the L-shaped walls to the left as a wave of Reapers runs out from the steps. Various types of enemies will emerge, but Ravagers will follow as well. Stay in cover here and pop out to kill the Ravagers first, as they are the most dangerous. Focus your squad’s Biotics and Tech on them, especially powers such as Warp that weaken armor. You may need to make a mild concession during your attack to kill the Husks that will charge out, but then return your attention to the Ravagers immediately. After killing the main threats, focus your attention on the Cannibals to wipe them out and proceed up the stairs to the next area.

You will emerge onto a bridge that will lead you towards the Shroud and the caravan of krogans. As you cross the bridge, however, a massive quake will confirm what the krogans told you about the massive Thresher Maw; click in the right stick to see a giant spine emerge from the ground and cross the path in front of you, severing the bridge that you stand on. The massive creature will be in hot pursuit of the krogan convoy, and closing fast. Jump across the gap that the Thresher Maw’s intrusion caused and continue across the bridge.

 You will enter what appears to be a monument or a burial ground of some sort, with elaborate statues dotting the fallen pillars and sinkholes that mar the landscape. The Reapers will waste no time in attacking you here. You will first see the Cannibals, but Marauders and Husks will be here as well. There aren’t a ton of enemies here, but the Marauders can be tough thanks to their shields. You can get a sneaky kill or two in if you approach the enemies on the opposite side of the arena first, as their backs may be turned to you. Run up and eliminate them before killing the Husks and remaining Marauders and Cannibals. Alternately, you can hang back and provide covering fire for your squad as you order them forwards in a zigzagging pattern. This will essentially wipe the area clean of opposition.

After the battle, be sure to grab the few Mods that are scattered about this arena. Search to the left, near the stairs, to find the SMG Scope Mod. Then go down the stairs, cross the bridge, and look to the left to find the Assault Rifle Extended Barrel Mod.

Keep following this path and jump down where it drops off. A shot cutscene will play in which Shepard will meet up with the krogan convoy again. The Thresher Maw will begin hounding you again as you jump into the vehicle. With the massive worm tearing up the landscape behind you, Eve and Wrex (or Wreav) will explain their plan to you. In ancient days, two great “hammers” were erected by the Shroud. These devices would plunge into the ground, sending a great vibration through the crusts of Tuchanka. The vibrations, in turn, would attract Thresher Maws to the Shroud. The hammers were created as a sort of defense mechanism, in case anyone ever tried to tamper with the Shroud again. In this case, the hammers can be used to summon the great Thresher Maw that was pursuing you. If you are lucky, the Thresher Maw might attack the Reaper, giving you and Mordin the opening you need to enter the Shroud and upload the cure.

Agree to their plan and exit the vehicle when it stops. Take out the small group of Cannibals who will await you when the convoy stops. Head to the left and climb the stairs all the way to the top. At the top, look for the M-5 Phalanx and pick it up before making a right. As you emerge into the open area above, the Reaper will spot you and begin firing its massive laser in your direction. Stick to cover as you proceed forward. If you pop out for too long, the laser will decimate you. Hug either the left or the right sides of the path as you proceed, but be aware that you will have to rush out to the center when the sides of the path lead to a dead end. From the center, you can charge forward into a giant arena.

Just when it seems you have escaped the Reaper’s attacks, a giant metal foot will pound the ground and a group of passing Harvesters will drop off two Brutes right in front of you. If you want the experience, or if you get stuck in a corner, you can fight the Brutes. Spam Warp to consistently weaken their armor, and use the Spike Thrower to charge up powerful close range attacks. Killing both Brutes in these close quarters can be a bit tough, but it’s absolutely a possibility. Lead them to charge into the walls, and while they recover and try to locate you again, hit them with Warp, Shotgun blasts, Grenades, and anything else you can throw their way.

As you head forward, however, you will find several more Brutes dropped off. Again, it is possible for you to kill them, especially in these more open quarters at the center of the arena. Use a similar strategy of dodging, shooting, Biotics, and explosives to destroy the Brutes. Take your time, and it is perfectly plausible to make it through this encounter. Just be sure not to venture to either side of the arena with the Brutes hot on your tail; the Reaper’s massive foot will come slamming down when you try to advance towards either of the hammers, which are located to the far left and the far right.

Although it is plausible to kill the Brutes, especially on a lower difficulty setting, a more sound idea is to rush straight past them and to the left, towards the first hammer. Watch for a large circular shadow to indicate where the Reaper’s foot will fall. When you see it, stop and wait for it to stomp down before continuing to the hammer. Activate it, then rush straight across the arena and past the numerous Brutes (there will be at least five of them trying to stop you by now) to the right-hand hammer. Again, pause by the entryway to the corridor to allow the Reaper to stomp harmlessly before rushing down to activate the hammer.

When you activate the second hammer, a cutscene will play and the massive Thresher Maw will engage the Reaper. While the Reaper is distracted, Shepard will meet up with Mordin. If you did not save the cure in the last game, Eve will have died while creating the cure. Otherwise, she will be just fine. Shepard and Mordin will rush into the Shroud to distribute the cure. It is here that you will have to decide whether or not to allow this.

The following guide will cover all of the consequences of your actions in detail.