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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 7 – Orlen Woods

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 7 – Orlen Woods

This start off with a bang. You begin fighting with a Red Wolf. You receive a Combat Tutorial

Combat Tutorial
Use “Circle” to utilize B-Artes (Burst-Artes). This will draw the sword and allow their use. Press “X” to sheath the sword. This helps with enemies that have higher Phyiscal Defense as you can hit them with Cryas Attacks (C. Atk)

After the battle, the mission is explained. That you are investigating the disappearance of all the villages in Orlen woods.  Talk with Malik after he gives the briefing to get the Eleth Mixer and he will join your party for now.

Eleth Mixer
“The Eleth Mixer is a tool used for cooking dishes during battle and also for creating various items. It's a device that belongs in the arsenal of any true warrior”.

You essentially can queue up to three items (when you initially receive it) and set conditions for the item(s) to be used. Obviously, when the conditions are met, the item is automatically used. While things are inside the Eleth Mixer there is also a chance that they will be produced. When you equip them, it will display this percentage in the top left of the screen. The higher the chance, the more likely it will happen. This can be done with any item in your Collector's Book. This can be very handy to get some of the rarer items. Still, the functions and production all cost Eleth to use. It starts with 150 but over time it will increase as you use it. The Eleth Mixer can be recharged at any store so it will be rare that you will be wanting for a place to recharge it.

With that all out of the way, head to the north. When the path forks, continue straight. Defeat the encounters en route and go to the west to find a chest with 800 gald inside it. Now backtrack to the fork and go to the east. Follow the path as it winds to the west then north. As it goes west, keep an eye on the southern wall of the trail. You will spot a chest that has a Wood Chunk inside it.

Head to the north and the path will fork again. Again, head to the north. You will find a chest with an Iron Tunic inside it. Backtrack to the fork, talk with the Turtlez for any restocking you need to do. TO the right of the Turtlez merchant you will see some sparkling flowers. Look at them to add “Morino Flowers” to your Discovery Book. You will also get 3  Morino Flowers for your inventory. You also get the skit “Flower Power” after all of that.

Head across the bridge and turn south. TO the left you will find a boulder you can push down, creating a path back to the other side of the bridge. To the right you will find a chest with 3 Apple Gels inside. Now head back to the north and stay to the right. This leads you to a chest with a Chipped Claw inside. Go to the west from there to reach a Save Point and watch a cutscene.

After the cutscene, Malik leaves and you will want to head to the top left of the village. There will be a sound that gets Asbel's attention. Now head for the opposite side of the village. You will see a wolf sprint by, so chase it to the left. You will quickly engage it in battle. After that, you need to survive until an in-battle cutscene occurs

Combat Tutorial
Using Start (and the D-pad) you can quickly access the Artes Menu. With this, you can change any character's set up on the fly. This makes it much easier to exploit an enemy's weakness

After you learn that, equip Lightning Strike to whichever directional you want and use it to break the Nova Wolf's armor. Using the Lightning Strike let's Asbel hit it on its weakness. Use Side-stepping to avoid its attacks and quickly recuperate CC to beat him.

Now head back to the south. Return to the Save Point for the skit, “Hidden Talents”. Continue to the south to the boulder you pushed into the river. Now head south and to the west to return to the start point and from there, to the North Barona Road.