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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 73: Communications Hub

This is the last of the N7 missions in Mass Effect 3, and mercifully one of the shorter ones as well. Cerberus will have launched an attack against one of the Alliance’s Communications Hubs, and they are already in the process of stealing information from the center. The only thing holding them back from decrypting the information is one civilian, who you must find and rescue before Cerberus can sweep him into their clutches.

When you land, be prepared for a firefight. Cerberus troops will attack you as soon as you land, with Combat Engineers and Assault Troopers. Take down the Combat Engineer and, if he has had time to build it, his turret before focusing on the other forces in the area. When all of the enemies are dead, search the area for items. You will be able to find the Ariake Technologies Greaves, some Medi Gels, and the Cerberus Codes for the Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers side quest on an unassuming white console on the wall. When you have collected everything, follow the waypoint to a console, which you should activate to proceed.

The civilian, Grace Sato, will radio you and tell you that she fears Cerberus is closing in on her. Regardless, she will send the second waypoint to you. This will be accompanied by a second wave of Cerberus troops. Watch out for the Nemesis snipers that will mix in with this wave. Take cover and slowly plow through the enemy’s resistance. Take out the snipers as soon as you can, as they will be the most dangerous foes in this wave. When you have killed all of the enemies, head to the second waypoint and activate that console as well. This will trigger the third, and final, waypoint. Sato will say that she fears death if she continues to update you. You can tell her to do so at the expense of her own life, or prioritize her safety.

The third marker should appear on your screen soon, but again, you will have to fend off Cerberus troops before you can activate it. This wave is heavy on the Phantoms, who will cloak themselves and try to sneak up behind you. Find a nice, enclosed space to fight this wave off. The tower overlooking the area below works well, but you’ll probably have to fight a few entrenched Cerberus troops away from the room first. From this position, you can lean out the windows to pick off the rest of the Cerberus troops. When they’re all done for, head down to activate the third console. This will complete the mission, and should earn you an achievement for completing all of the N7 missions if you have been following this guide.