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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 30 – Adessa Sidequests

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 30  – Adessa Sidequests

Sandstone Villa
Just inside you will find Decanus Bruten who will give the quest, “New in Town”. Once you talk with one of the people who sent you a note and complete they offer, you will receive, “Under Watch”. Complete them both to receive “Sandstone Villa”, the upgrade quest for it.

Domus Politcus
Up the stairs just through the entrance to the left you will find Courdan Passant who gives you, “Return To Sender”. After, Loutre Gent will offer the quest, “Executive Orders”.

Hospitalis Quarters
Enter and head straight back to find Prester's Path, a job board, with the quests, “The Tithes that Bind”, “Hand-Delivered” and “Shipping Error”

Talk with Daedinnear who gives you the task, “Lab Assistant”. Head farther back to find Feride Ouet and get the quest, “Applied Science”.

The Isles
Talk with Audern Reis who is wandering the area. He will give you the quest, “A Silver Tongue”

Around the center you can find Chapter 1: Preliminary Plans that gives the quest, “Paper Trail”

New In Town
Reddle Mane – Hospitalis Quarters:

Courdan Passant – Domus Politica:
Inside the Domus, you will find him to the left of the entrance, wandering the building.

Feride Ouet – Laboratories:

Talk with any of them and they will tell you that it was Templar Jorielle who arranged for your quarters after you complete a quest for them. You will be told to head to the  Forums.

Under Watch
Head into the Forum and you will find Templar Jorielle up on the second floor in the southern wing. Talk with her to learn why you are being observed and you can work to end it. She reveals that Bruten, the Gnome who pointed out the letters to you is an agen for someone else. It is time to track down the source of it.

Head back to the Sandstone Villa and talk with Bruten who is in the back. He will reveal that he knows he has been found out. With that, he and two henchmen will come at you. Defeat them and return to the Forum. Jorielle will give you the deed to the Sandstone Villa. You are now free to upgrade it.

Sandstone Villa
Head over to the Grand Bursars  in the eastern part of town.

Upgrade 1: between 4-5,000 – Adds additional space
Upgrade 2: between 4-5,000 – Adds Blacksmith Forge
Upgrade 3: between 4-5,000 – Adds Alchemy Bench

Get all three upgrades to complete the quest.

Return to Sender
Head to Sun Camp which is none too far from Adessa. There you will find the courier Parwen Well who reveals she was paid to throw the letter away. She will offer the orders she was given as proof, which you can persuade off her or call on the camaraderie of the Travelers. Now head for the Cynric Quarry where you can begin the search for the letter. It is out in the open, down at the bottom, along the northern edge. Now return to Courdan and turn over both letters. Courdan sends you to the Isles and the Basilica Gnositca.

Once there, head to the back of the entryway to find the Scholar you are looking for, Airancourt. Talk with her and you can either have Courdan take the fall or call Airancourt out If you call her out, she will resign and give Courdan her position. For your efforts he will award you with Hexweave Armor and his thanks

A Silver Tongue
Head into the Basilica Gnositca, go up to the second floor and talk with Scholar Nerenne. She is in the southeastern portion of that floor. Now just talk with Nerenne and answer her however you like. There are no real answers here. It is just some quick and easy work and you are rewarded with a number of potions.

Pester's Path Contracts
Redistributing The Wealth – The Tithes that Bind
First should be Driadore Sele who is inside the Arcadium. He is the first merchant on the right. Talk with him and persuasion will get him to donate. Otherwise you must navigate through dialogue to get him to give more reluctantly.

Head over to Renerit Vale. He is works on repairs on the Wall. Talk with him and with some persuasion you can easily get him to part with his coin, otherwise it can talk a good bit of talking to pull off.

Sari Cemble is next up and she is just a little north of Vale. Talk with her and again persuasion is the best course of action. Aside from that, it is quite hard to pull off.

Once it is complete, head back to the Pester's Path Board and collect your reward.

Delivering a Message - Hand-Delivered
You need to sneak into Adessa Prison for this one. The prison itself has a lock on it (Hard difficulty). Once inside, sneak in, favoring the right-hand side as it offers better cover. Wait for the guards to patrol past you. The best spot for this is at the base of the stairs past the entryway. There is a second pair of guards to watch after the one who patrols the entryway. They will cross at the base of the stairs in front of you. From there, follow one to the southwest. Keep to the right-hand side of the corridor and you will find plenty of cover. Do not worry about any of the prisoners as they do not seem to notice you. At a point you will need to duck into cover to avoid the second guard will start heading toward you. Wait for him to pass in cover then start moving forward. When you reach the southern portion, a waiting game begins. Let the guard in the target patrol out and any others who happen to stray into where you are going. Just head down the stairs and deliver your letter.

Righting a Wrong – Shipping Error
Head down to the Wall and into the Armory as described. The fisrt bit of contraband can be found just inside to the right. The next batch of contraband can be found in the second chamber on the right in the second alcove from the left. Now head into the final chamber and into into the alcove on the left.

Paper Trail
Head down to the Wall and into the Praetorian Garrison. Take the stairs to the left and you will find the book on the shelves just to the left of the stairs.

The third chapter is found in the Laboratories. You will find it to the right from where you enter, up the stairs. It is in the same room as the Alchemy Laboratory on the far left bookshelf.

The fourth chapter is in the Domus Politcus Inside the Domus, head up the stairs on the right, you will find the chapter in the room to the right of the opening on the left-hand bookshelf.

The fifth chapter can be found in the Grand Bursar's. It is in the southeastern corner of the Walls. Once inside, head into the second alcove on the left and look at the bookshelf there to find the book.

The sixth chapter can be found in the Arcadium. This is found in the northern part of the market area. It is only a little before the Sandstone Villa. Once inside, head to the back right and you can easily collect the book.

The seventh chapter can be found in the Basilica Gnostra. Head for the Isles and go into the northern portion to find the  Basilica Gnostra. Head inside and turn to the southwest and head into the back room in that portion of the building. Loot the lone bookshelf in this room and head on out.

The eighth chapter is found inside the Forum. Head outside and into the building in the center of the Isles. Go straight forward, up the stairs then to the right and up the stairs there to the second level. This the final book.

The reward is found in the Livrarium, in the northern portion of the Isles. Head inside and go to the back right-hand side. You will find the bookshelf on the left.

Lab Assistant
Head upstairs in the Laboratories and in the eastern portion you will find three chest you are assigned to dispell. They are all very easy so nothing bad. After each set of three you will earn 90 gold.

Applied Science
Head to the Adessa mine which is just outside to the south. Once inside, make a quick run to the left to find Feride Ouet. Now, it is time for a series of fights. First is a trio of Brownies, a good, quick warm up. Second is a collection of Boggart Plaguebearers. Third is a trio of Kobolds, two regular and one Nightblade. Fourth is a Mountain Troll. Deal with them all, which should be a little challenging. Once they are all dead, talk with Feride to complete the quest and receive a number of potions.

Executive Orders
You are tasked with going to the old Motus Mining Headquarters in Apotyre to collect a handbook and bring it to the headquarters found in the Hollowlands. The Headquarters are located in the Northeastern portion of the Apotyre.

Motus Mining Headquarters
Head inside and go up the stairs to the right. Turn left and go into the alcove there. You will find a chest to the left with the Motus Handbook inside it.

With the Handbook in tow, it is time to head for the Motus Mining Outpost. Once there talk with Apule Vire. He will accept the book and then you are back to Adessa to complete the quest in the Grand Busrar's.