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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 31 – Apotyre Sidequests

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 31 – Apotyre Sidequests

Head into Whitestone to find at least three quest givers just wandering the city. At the southern edge or anywhere around town is Beorn who give the quest, “Bone Town”
In the center of town is Steg Darkvari who gives the quest, “Runaways”.

Head into the Thirsty Wench and you can find three quest. One is a task from Bera Grastar, “Dinner Time”. One from Lina Ardeen who is upstairs and gives the quest, “Missing Keys”. Finally talk with Squire Coran who gives the quest, “The Messenger”.

The Bone Wall has three contracts available at present:
Darkvari Family – “The Darkvari”
Cynric Family – “The Cynrics”
Zungar Family – “The Zungars”

Head over to the Motus Mining Company Headquarters. There you will find Ruin Imas who gives the task, “Rock Collection”.

You need to find collect the key from Beorn's pocket. You better be a good thief, a skilled killer or gifted negotiator. You can either pick his pocket, kill him (but that cuts off some quests so hold off) or talk him into giving you the key through persuasion or bribery (For around 3,000 gold). Use the key to advance rthe quest and get the tasks to have his lover Hrindi to meet him in snaketail canyon, once you collect their nest egg from the depths of Darkvari mine. The mine is to the west of town, down in a canyon. Try to pair this with the task “The Darkvari”

Darkvari Mine
As you approach the mine, 3 outlaws will come charging at you in addition to whatever force is sitting around the camp. Once inside the mine, start going to the right, looping down to the south as soon as you can. At the bottom you will find 3 Outlaws waiting for you. Deal with them then start to the west. As you go down this corridor, keep an eye on the ground to find the tripwire and disable it. In the next chamber, turn to the southeast and head into the following chamber. In the corridor that is your path, you will find 2 Outlaws.  There are 4 Outlaws in that chamber. Kill them and head to the north. Nearby the Jump Point you will find the chest with Nest Egg you were sent after. Smash the crates in front of you and open the chest to your left. The quest updates and you need to find Hrindi.

Head outside of the mine. You will find Hrindi come strolling up to you. You learn she has been playing Steg for the Darkvari Family Map. You can persuade her to let things go, fight her or just give her the map. After that, it is time to seek out Steg and tell him the news. Head to the east and you will find him quickly enough. Let him know what has been going on. He will give you the map and explain that is locates all of his family's treasure stashes found throughout Apotyre.

Head into the northeastern building to meet the Mayor. Inside there you will find Mayor Eswin Ealfhelm praying in front of a fireplace. He will ask you to break into the old Motus Mining Headquarters and collect the deed for the mine. This is very simply done. Head over to the Northeastern portion and you will find the old headquarters. Just go upstairs and loot the appropriate chest. Now just return to Ealfhelm and talk with him to settle this matter up, but he wants you to deal with Skoria.

He then ask you to find Adath Skoria in the Cynric Quarry. Head south and down the stairs to the Cynric Quarry. 2 wolves await in the corridor ahead when it opens up. Now head west and to the north to reach the next chamber. In there you will find 3 Giant Rats waiting for you. Continue to the north to reach the next chamber and find Adath Skoria and 2 more Giant Rats. Talk with Adath and he will ask you to meet him later in town. For now though, return to town and talk with the Mayor.

Back in Whitestone you will want to first talk with the Mayor. After that, you need to choose if you want to keep working with him or not. Either way you will begin Opening a Vein, it is simply a question of who you work for.

Opening a Vein
If you keep working for the Mayor, then you will be asked to investigate the Skoria Mine. If you side with Adath, you will want to head to the General Store in the south of town. Go up the stairs to the bedroom above where you will find Adath waiting for you.

Either will explain that there is a fresh vein that can still be tapped inside the mine. You need to dive into the depths of the mine and find a sample of tyrenium ore.

Head to the southeastern portion of Apotyre and you will find the mine. Head inside after dealing with the one potential guard in the area. Head to the east and you will encounter Thelgood Skoria.

Sided With the Mayor:
With good persuasion you can tell him that you are working Adath (if you are working for the Mayor, your best best is to Bribe him to let you in for around 3,000 if you cannot persaude him).

Sided With Adath
Adath gave you the family ring. Thelgood can be shown or you can persuade or bride him to let you inside. The ring is for certain but take whatever course you would like to.

Start going to the northeast into the next chamber. There you will encounter 3 Niskaru Hunters. Now head to the north. In this chamber you will find another trio of Niskaru Hunters. Kill them then start to the west. In the next chamber in that direction you will find 5 more Hunters waiting for you. 3 will come at you immediately and 2 more will join the fight shortly after it begins. Continue to the Southwest. You will find a pair of Miner's corpses you can loot on the way there. In the next large chamber you will be going against a Niskaru Tyant. Take it down quickly as it is still a powerful foe. Now head down south to the next chamber. Here you will find the mine cart with the Ore Sample you need. Collect it and bring it back to whoever you are working for, Adath or the Mayor. Collect it then head northeast to the jump point and exit the mine.

Head to your respective person. They will have one more tasks for you.

Adath asks you to kill the Mayor in his cottage. Head over there and once inside you can either kill him or with some persuasion, you can put him in the cage in the center of town. Now head back to Adath for your armor and money.

He will then ask you to kill Adath inside the General Store. The Mayor will reward you with money and a sword.

Dinner Time
This is a simple task, collect animal meat and sell it back to the barkeep in the Thirst Wench. Just wander around and kill rats. You will get plenty of meat and you will be well paid for it.

The Messenger
Mal Dydyn
Pledgeshield Dydyn: Found in Ironfast Keep. Head inside to the main chamber, then turn right. She is in the back right portion of the next room.

Tak Edstar
Fridi Edstar: Found in the Tavern in Mel Shenshir. It is just above the exit to the Cursewood.

Joanne Gortan
Vonne Gortan: Found in Whitestone. Likely on guard at the Northwestern entrance to the town.

Ram Leodwald -
Edwin Leodwald: Luminary Lead in Rathir. Inside on the right-hand side, the second person along the wall.

Once you find everyone, return to the Squire in Whitestone to collect your reward.

The Zungars
Starting from Whitestone, head to the north. Just follow the path and you will not be long to get to the Zungar Shaft. 2 Outlaws are waiting outside the shaft. Head toward it and 6 more will come charging at you.

Inside the Shaft, start to the North. There are 4 Outlaws in the next chamber above you. Kill them then turn to the east and south, heading deeper in. On the next bridge you reach, you will find an Outlaw at each end and 2 Giant Rats. Press on south into the next chamber. There you will find 2 Outlaws and a Wolf. Kill them and you will complete the quest. Head to the east and follow the path around to the exit. There are 2 final Outlaws in your way. Just beat them down and you are outside easily.

The Cynrics
The Cynrics Quarry is found in the far southern portion of Apotyre. You need to descend down a few sets of stairs. At the bottom you need to deal with 2 Outlaws who guard the entrance to the Quarry itself. Head inside after they have been dealt with.

Inside, start to the west. When the passage opens up, be ready to find 3 Outlaws. Now continue and turn north to find a chamber. In here you will face 3 Outlaws. Head north to the next chamber, where you will want to turn east, then north. Feel free to explore some as there are chest that can contain the ore you are after for the task, “Rock Collection”.

In the next passage, just head to the northern point, smashing whatever you feel like. As you do, this will call the last group of Outlaws to you. There are 3 in total in the group. Just kill them then head back outside and return to Whitestone to finish the quest.

The Darkvari
As you approach the mine, 3 outlaws will come charging at you in addition to whatever force is sitting around the camp. Once inside the mine, start going to the right, looping down to the south as soon as you can. At the bottom you will find 3 Outlaws waiting for you. Deal with them then start to the west. As you go down this corridor, keep an eye on the ground to find the tripwire and disable it. In the next chamber, turn to the southeast and head into the following chamber. In the corridor that is your path, you will find 2 Outlaws. There are 4 Outlaws in that chamber. Wipe them out to complete this portion of the quest. Now start to the north and take the Jump Point to quickly exit. Feel free to explore some as there are chest that can contain the ore you are after for the task, “Rock Collection”.

Missing Key
You need some decent Lockpicking to make it through the Whitestone Passage in the Mayor's House. It is a Very Hard lock so either have a good stock lockpicks, or 3 Prismere Pick you can spare. If you have the Key to the Mayor's Cave, then you can just get inside. Once inside, head west. You will find a second locked door, also very hard. Pick it and head inside. Now you need to open the door up. Just head over to the door to Whitestone and open it. Head to the west and open the next door in your path.  This opens up the Mayor's Cottage itself. Inside here , you will find a chest with a simple Easy lock on it. Open it up to find the “Confession of Mayor Taklari”. Now all you need to do is turn in the letter to Lina who is out Sun Camp.