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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Corruption Part 1

Your next mission will take place after the zombie invasion of Raccoon City has begun in earnest. Because of this, you will find yourself facing much more in the way of B.O.W enemies, and less of the human Spec Ops soldiers. In addition to the zombies, expect Lickers to make an appearance towards the end. Despite the more heavy undead presence in this section, there will still be a few checkpoints where you have to take on the Spec Ops soldiers, so keep this in mind as you make your loadout. A Shotgun of some sort will be good for carving through the undead hoards. If you do bring a Shotgun, try to upgrade your Pistol before you go into the next level, as you will be relying on it more for the several medium-range encounters with the Spec Ops forces. Finally, since this level has such a high B.O.W presence, you may want to bring along a Field Scientist, because this class specializes in manipulating the spreading infection.

Your first objective in Corruption will be to infiltrate the City Hall. Having failed to contain the infection back at Birkin’s lab, you will be ordered by HQ to head to City Hall, and various other locations, to burn any evidence of Umbrella’s involvement in the catastrophe. When you start out, turn around and search the crate behind you to find the first piece of Intel. Turn around again and head down the stairs. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, look up the wall in front of you. It will be dark and hard to see, but there is a Security Camera hanging on the wall just ahead of you. Shoot it down and continue.

As you proceed, look at the storage bin to your right to find more Intel, along with some First Aid Spray. Grab them and head through the door. Look on the shelf to the left to find a canister of Antiviral Spray. As you head deeper into the infected city, note that the Antiviral Spray canisters can not only be used to cure you of infection, but also can be used as area of effect weapons against the zombies. It is recommended that you hold on to the canister for use on yourself, though, just in case. After you pick up the spray, turn around and look above the entrance to the room to find the second Security Camera. Shoot it.

When you enter the next room, you will find it scattered with mutilated corpses. Search the far right side of the room to find a suitcase on the ground that contains another piece of Intel. Pick it up and prepare for your first combat with the infected.