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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 20 – Lhant to Oul Raye

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 20 – Lhant to Strahta

Head into Lhant Manor and go into the Room on the Right first. You get a cutscene and receive a Good-Luck Charm. Stop by the Save Point after the cutscene for the skit, “Lucky You”.

Lhant Manor Request
Rusted Nail – Reward: Magic Carta # 63, 1760 SP
    Enemy Drop, you likely have a good number

Take some time to Visit North Lhant Road and go up to the Tree in the Lhant Meadow. Cheria will gain the “Sympathetic Soul” title. Asbel can then return to Lhant Manor and collect the Request Reward. After that, head back to West Lhant Road

West Lhant Road
Head over to the West. When you get to the Cabin there is a quick scene where we learn a bit about Asbel. Head over to the Save Point for the Skit, “Meet the Oswells”. Head down the path to the West. Just a little ways down, in the bushes, you will find a chest with a Seashell inside it. Not too far after you will find a Save Point. Press onto the West from there.

West Lhant Port
Head west a bit more. There is a quick Cutscene when you reach the Square. Head North into the Residence above. In there you can collect 2 bits of Rice and 2 Eggs. Approach the Save Point on the Dock for the Skit, “What Real Women Eat”. Now get on the ship and Asbel is off to Strahta. There is a quick cutscene with Richard during this time.

Oul Raye
When you arrive, Malik will earn the “Erudite Fellow” title. Head to Northwestern edge of the pier and help the Turtlez Tot to receive the Turtlez Tot's Note. Head south and into the Cottage just below the pier, at the top of the steps. Inside you will find a chest with 3 bowls of rice inside it and a cat you can give some fish to. Now continue to the left of the cottage. You will spot another Turtlez and behind him, to the right, you will find a chest with the Suzu Fujibayashi Carta Card. Now go up the Hill to the left of the Turtlez. At  the top, by the Cacti, you will find a Sparkling Spot with some Amaryllis Seeds to plant. Continue on to the Middle-Aged Man underneath the hanging to get 3 Onions from him. Move over to the woman in front of the inn for the skit, “Never Surrender”.

Oul Raye Requests
Salisbury Steak x2 – Reward: Slow Charm, 170 SP
    Dualize Steak + Eggs

Pretty Scarf – Reward: 700 gald, 350 SP
    Found in the Strahta Craglands

Hard Scale – Reward: Peach Gel x2, 560 SP
    Enemy Drop: Grantoise 24%, Lizard 12%,

Book of Rare Creatures – Reward: Rune Bladerang, 1940 SP
    Found in the Strahta Craglands by the Strahtan Cacti

Head to the left and go down the small staircase, going above it to find a chest locked by a password, “Turtlez”. This has the “Book of Sustenance” which restores the party's HP as you travel. Now continue to the left, going down the rest of the stairs. Investigate White Stone at the bottom for the discovery “Stone of Truth”, which gives some Truth Salt to you. This allows access to the Skit, “The Sweet Taste of Deceit”. Head over to the Merchant below the stairs to the right to reequip the party and head on out to the left to reach the next area.