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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Corruption Part 7

After clearing out the enemies in the corridor and collecting the Intel by the file cabinet, don’t leave the area just yet. You will be able to find another piece of Intel, along with the elusive Raccoon City Mascot item, nearby. First things first, head to the far upper corner of the corridor. Open the door to the side of the hallway. A few zombies inside will shuffle towards you, but they won’t pose any serious threat. Take them out and move into the stairwell beyond. First, climb down the stairs to find ammo, grenades, and a piece of Intel in the rubble. Grab it all and head back up the stairs. Keep climbing the stairs until you reach the top floor, where you will find the Raccoon City Mascot tucked into the left-hand corner of the stairwell.

Head back to the second floor, where you originally entered the stairwell, to leave the stairwell. Walk to the door on the left. Open it up and shoot the zombies behind it before grabbing the Intel from the table to the back right-hand corner of the area. Now leave this small room and head to the far end of the hallway. Proceed through the double doors to reach the next area. You will find yourself in combat with a Spec Ops team spread out across the L-shaped balconies ahead. A few zombies will also mix in with the enemies towards the corner of the L. Rush the first group of two or three Spec Ops soldiers shooting over the right-hand balcony. They shouldn’t see you coming. From here, shoot across to the other wing of the balcony in aims of wounding a soldier, drawing the nearby zombies in as a distraction. There won’t be enough zombies to kill the soldiers outright, but it will be enough of a distraction for you to slip around the corner of the balcony and get behind the enemy’s lines before they’ve realized what has happened. From here, take them out with gunfire or melee attacks.

Once you have cleared out the area, go through the door to the left and climb the stairs. Grab the two Green Herbs around the corner and take cover behind the cabinets. Spec Ops teams will enter from your right. Fire out over your cover to kill this small Spec Ops team, then scour the area for useful items. In this room, you should be able to find two First Aid Sprays to the right, a pile of ammo on the ground, and various weapons dropped by the Spec Ops soldiers.