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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Corruption Part 8: Destroying the Servers

After beating all of the Spec Ops forces and collecting the resources scattered about the room, search your surroundings for the next waypoint. Head back to where you picked up the two Green Herbs earlier to find it. Head to the right, down the small hallway. Open the door at the end of the hallway and shoot the group of zombies waiting behind it. Run down the hall and take cover at the end of the area, behind the brick pillar. A group of Spec Ops soldiers will be battling a wave of zombies around the corner. Wound the Spec Ops soldiers to ensure that they meet a quick end to the weaker zombies, then aim out from cover and mow down the remaining zombies.

Turn the corner, and then run down to the end of the hall. Turn to the right and proceed towards the waypoint, which will hover over a door. Proceed through the door and look around the entryway to find a Frag Grenade and a canister of Antiviral Spray. Make a mental note of the locations of the corpses strewn across the ground because they will begin to stir once you complete your objective. Before that, however, don’t forget to upload your Intel to the Laptop on the table to the right side of the room. Equip your Pistol, so that you don’t waste any ammo from your primary weapon, and shoot the servers marked with waypoint. They will explode after one or two shots each.

Once the servers have been destroyed, the corpses will stand up and attack you. If you have a Shotgun, you have little to fear as you will be doing a lot of close range combat here. Otherwise, shoot from the hip in the direction of the enemy’s heads and don’t be afraid to engage a few of them in melee combat. Use this as an opportunity to pull off a Brutal Melee Kill or two, which can be useful if you are playing a Medic as it will produce Green Herbs for you and your squad to heal with.

Note that there is an alternate way to complete this objective that won’t wake the zombies, but you can only do it if you brought along the Spectre class. Simply have your Spectre approach the computer on the back desk to examine it. This will hack the servers, wiping them clean of incriminating data, without causing the ruckus that results from physically destroying the servers. Thus, the zombies will not wake up.