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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 24 – Strahtra Desert West and Strahta Desert Ruins

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 24 – Strahtra Desert West and Strahta Desert Ruins

Head to the Save Point just below the West Gate for the skit, “No Sweat”. Now start to the West. Keep to the Northwestern side of the area. First you will find a chest with 1151 gald inside it. You will find a chest nearby a cactus with a Silver Scabbard inside it. Behind it can be a Sparkling Point. Now start to the South to find a Turtlez Merchant. Across from him are some people investigating a set of Red Statues. Investigate them for the “Sand People” Discovery and the skit, “No Words”. Continue to the South after that.

None too far past that point you will find a Save Point to the left. Now head to the Southwest. You will find a chest in the middle of the area with an Orange Ribbon inside it. Continue to the West after that, farther into the Desert.

The path splits on a little ways after it break to the West. Head South  to find a Bluster Crystal inside a chest there. Head West past the first ruined pillars. You can find a Sparkling Point between them and the pile of bones to the West of them. Now head to the North and in the shade of a broken pillar you can find a chest with a Stone Charm inside it. Head South and West once again, staying along the Northern Wall. You will spot a chest though your first path to it is cut off. Just head to the left-hand side of the pillar and you can reach it. It contains an Upper Quarry Stone. Head to the Southwest after that, heading down to the Southern wall. There you will find another chest with a Core Fragment inside it.

Keep going to the West after that. Go around the next pillar laying on the ground if you see a Sparkling Point behind it. You must also go around the next pillar to the North on the Western side to reach the Save Point above. None too far from there you will make your way to the Strahta Desert Ruins.

Strahta Desert Ruins
You arrive, have a quick cutscene, and are allowed to head on forward. Take a moment to enjoy the skit, “Full Steam Ahead”. Head North to find another Turtlez Merchant. Address anything you can with him then head to the East and North. Go up the left-hand side and you will find a Colored Block Puzzle. Once you interact (or get very close to the puzzle) you can access the skit, “Step By Step”.

Colored Block Puzzle 1 – Moves Remaining: 2
Step on the Yellow Block
Step on the Blue Block

Head on across to the North. Once you cross it, the Colored Blocks will sink and sandstone ones will rise. Head to the East after that to continue on down the stairs. Head to the Northeast at the base of the stairs, to the shorter walkway, where you will a chest with a Red Scarf inside it. Now loop down to the East and continue onwards in that direction. When the walkway becomes a platform, head up and to the left. You will find a chest with a Freeze charm inside.

Now head to the South and go down the stairs on the right. At the bottom of the second set of stairs, head to the left and up to collect the chest you passed on the way here. It contains a Possessed Crystal. Now just continue South and West. Head up to the North when you need to and you will reach the second Puzzle

Colored Block Puzzle 2 – Move Remaining:
Step on the Yellow Block
Step on the Blue Block
Step on the Red Block

Now head across to the West. On the bridge, stop and investigate the Top-Left Torch for the discovery, “Ancient Embers” and the skit, “A Serious Matter”. You will also get the Torchflame. Continue on to the West, taking the lower path. Head up to the North at the end of it to find the third puzzle.

Colored Block Puzzle 3 – Moves Remaining: 3
Step on the Red Block
Step on the Blue Block
Step on the Yellow Block

Go to the far side of it collect the chest with a Battle Tunic inside it. Now head to the West and to the North at the top of the stairs. Here you will find another Colored Block Puzzle.

Colored Block Puzzle 4 – Moves Remaining: 3
Step on the Red Block
Step on the Blue Block
Step on the Yellow Block

Now start to the West across the bridge. Continue to the opposite side first to collect a chest with 4680 gald inside it. Now head back to the Northern turn in it and go up to the Save Point. At the Save Point you will trigger the skit, “Scene Stealer”. Save and head North for a Boss Battle at the base of the Valkines Cryas. There is a cutscene with a nice twist inside it.

Weaknesses: Dragon, Nova, Aerial and Burn
Be sure everyone can use Nova Element as both birds have a Nova Barrier. Focus half the team on one bird and the rest on the other. From there, just keep focused on Nova Attacks from Asbel to keep the barrier down.

After the cutscene following the battle Sophie will receive the “Independent Thinker” title. Now approach the Cryas for the “Duplemar” discovery and the skit, “Pitch Black”. Take a moment and start back to the South. Head back into the Ruins themselves to the South. There, immediately go to the West, and down the stairs that were formerly blocked by water. Where the pool was you will find a chest with the “Book of Duplication”, which lets the Eleth Mixer create 2 items instead of just 1 when they are generated. Investigate the right-hand staircase to find a chest with 435 units of Eleth inside it.

Now backtrack to the entrance. Start by going, East, having through the walkways, then turning North when you can. Be sure to go up the right-hand steps. At the top of those, turn to the West. Head down the left-hand walkway after that and turn to the South. Follow that to its end and go West again. Now, you will find the Turtlez Merchant. You can either use Turtlez Transport to make it back to the Capital quickly by going to either the North or West Gate or just walking there.