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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 34 – Fendel Glacier Ruins

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 34 – Fendel Glacier

Head back in Zavhert after everything in the Tower. Head into the Inn for another skit as you enter, “Northeast, Ho!”. Head back to Fermat for a quick cutscene. Now exit to the Northeast, above the Item and Equipment Stores.

Glacier Road
Turn to the West at the first fork after you enter the area to find a chest with an Artificial Crystal. Next to it can be a Sparkling Point. Now head back to the East and North. Keep an eye on the western part of this path for Sparkling Points while you head North. Stop at the Save Point to update your file and use the Turtlez Merchant for any supplies. South of him you will find a chest with 2381 gald. Head North to reach the Fendel Glacier Ruins.

Fendel Glacier Ruins
Loop around to the North and head into the Tunnel there. Head Northwest, toward the camera, to get to the next screen. Continue to the next tunnel and head in. Once there, go to the chest to the West to get 2 Grape Gels. Now push the Ice Block to the West, up and over the hill. Now take it and line it up with the small hill to the South. Push it down it to knock over the icicle. Collect the “Magic for Men” cologne for Malik on the other side of the toppled icicle. Open the chest on the other side for 2 Syrup Bottles. Now continue to the West and South, pushing the Ice Block along with you. As you turn South again, push the Ice block down first to topple another Icicle. Cross that new ice bridge to move on forward.

Head Southwest through the next screen. Keep doing so on the next screen as well, into the tunnel to the Northwest. In this room, first grab and pull the Ice Block Up the nearby hill. Let it go to smash into the Icicle it started by. The chest on the other side has a Strong Bone inside it. Now push the Ice Block back up the hill and line it up with the slope to the South. Push it over there and let go for it to smash into the nearby icicle. Head down, but head a little to the left and investigate the Glowing, Thick Icicle. This give the discovery, “Rainbow Ice Pillar”, pick up an Icicle and the skit, “Running Out of Time”.

Now cross over the pair of icicles that you toppled to the West. On this hill, take the Ice Block, line it up to the South and let it slide down the nearby hill. Head over to the East from there to find a chest with a Whirling Seashell inside it. Now cross over the icicle you knocked over to collect the Elemental Ribbon from inside the chest there. Time to push around the Ice Block more. Push it down the slope to the East then line it up for the slope going to the South. Head down the slope and over the icicle that you toppled. Head South to move into the next chamber.

Head West down the path. When the path splits, head to the Northwest area. Here you will find a chest with the “Book of Valor” inside it. This book restores eleth to your mixer whenever you defeat a high level enemy. Now head back to the fork and go to the Southwest. Just follow this path straight to the next Save Point. Take a moment to watch the skit there, “No Lack of Resolve”. Now head down into the nearby tunnel to the South.

Follow the path to the South. Time for a puzzle room. Head down the slope to the West twice and go up the slope to the South. You will be in front of a lone Ice Block. Now push it West to the nearby slope. Let it go and it will topple the icicle below. Head across that icicle and the next one to find a chest with 3 Panacea Bottles. Now Push the Ice Block back up the slope.  Continue to push it to the East, into the gap. Now head up the slope and cross the Ice Block you just put in place to the South. AT the top, push the Ice Block there to the slope and let it slip down. It will topple another Icicle you can cross. Head West across it to find a chest with 585 units of Eleth. Now head back to the Ice Block and push it up the slope to the South. After that, push it East and slide down the nearby slope to the South. Now line it up and let the Ice Block slide to the West, toppling 2 icicles. Head along them to find a chest with a Mastery Tonic C inside it. Now return to the chest where you found the Eleth. Continue along that path to the South to find your way into the next room.

Here you need to simply follow the path in front of you. This leads to a Save Point, which is recommended to use, just before the next boss fight. Head down the slope to find the next cutscene and the next Valkines and Kurt.

Weaknesses: Human, Strike, Poison, Burn

Focus more on dodging Kurt's attacks and getting in attacks of opportunity. He is a very powerful foe and should be handled as such. When he enters Eleth Burst, back away as quickly as possible or just prepare for a massive heal on someone. Dodging his attacks is easiest to do by Quick-Stepping away from Kurt. Whenever your party manages Eleth Burst, unleash the combos on him and not his minions.

After the fight, check Kurt for the Platinum Bladerang. Be sure to also investigate the Valkines to get the discovery, “Forbrannir” and the skit, “Just Ask Gramps”. Use the nearby Save Point amnd then use the nearby Warp to quickly return to the entrance.