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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Lights Out Part 5: Helipad

On the other side of the door from the balconies is an outdoor helipad where you will make an escape attempt. As soon as you burst through the door, a team of zombies will attack you. A trip mine will be conveniently place on one of the cooling units on the roof right behind the helipad, so let the zombies rush forward and trigger the trip mine before you attack any of them. With any luck, the resulting explosion will take out at least half of the approaching enemies. As soon as the debris from the explosion clears, fire upon the remaining zombies to take them down. Head forward, through the gap where the trip mine used to cover, to proceed.

As you approach the helipad, look to the right. High up on the right-hand wall, just around the corner, you will spot a Security Camera. Shoot it down to gain some additional experience, and then proceed towards the helipad. As you reach your destination, Nicholai will send a rocket into the helicopter and reduce the rooftop to a flaming shambles. You will have to escape from the burning hospital and collect the EMP charges yourself. Approach the door to the burning room, but watch out for the flaming zombie that will burst through before you get the chance to open it. Shoot the zombie and head through the door. In the next room, flaming zombies will run shrieking as they burn. Kill the zombies as they turn to attack you, and then look to the left-hand wall. High up on the burning wall, you will find another Security Camera to shoot. You can also grab Intel from the burning table at the end of the second couch in the middle of the room, and ammo from the ammo box near the couch.

Head through the door at the end of the room to reach the upstairs balcony. Along the way, look out for another Security Camera to the left in the stairwell. When you reach the top floor, the destroyed middle of the balcony will form a makeshift ramp down to the lower level, which will be swarming with the undead. Shoot them as they clamber up the rubble towards you. Toss a grenade down to the lower floor if necessary. Collect any ammo you might need from the ammo box next to you, and grab the Incendiary  Grenade next to it.