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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 48 – Ghardia Shaft: Base - Part 1

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 48 – Ghardia Shaft: Base - Part 1

Make sure everyone in your party is ready to deal with Nova Barriers. Most of the random encounters here will make rampant use of them.

Head North immediately to find a chest with some Red Sage inside it. Head to the Northeast corner to find the nearest Save Point. Approaching it will let you trigger the skit, “All the Way Down”. Now head into the center of this area and use the Warp to get deeper into the Shaft.

Floor 1
Head forward to the East. Head to the Northeast corner of the first square to find a chest with 7267 gald inside it. Continue on Eastwards after that. To the lift that will take you down to the next level.

Floor 2
Head South then West. You will find 2 Elevators this time. Take the one to the South first. Here you will be able to find a chest with an Arithmos Core by heading South. Now head back up via the elevator and take the Western one.

Floor 3
Head West then North. Take the next warp to progress on.

Floor 4
Head South and to the West. Follow this path until you can turn East. Do so and take the elevator down to the next section

Floor 5
Time for a bit of a puzzle here. As you move forward, you will light tiles. Crossing over them engages you in a fight. After this battle you are taken back to the starting point of section.

Colored Floor Puzzle 1

Cross over the Red (South), Yellow (East) and Blue (South), You will find a chest with an All-Divide inside it.

Now head Red (East), Yellow (North), Blue (East). This gives you a chest with 3 Grape Gels inside it.

Head Red (North), Yellow (West), Blue (West) then North. This will get you another Arithmos Core. Now head back to the beginning. It is time to make it to the Save Point. Head South, East, South, East, North, East, North, West and North.

Once there, head all the way to the East onto the Elevator. When there, head North. You will find a pair of Dullahans waiting for you. These are fairly strong But weak to Nova, Spirit, Fiend and Paralysis. They like to inflict paralysis and are physically tough. Still, focus on their cryas defense and they will drop quickly, or would if not for their solid amount of HP! Continue onwards after that to find an elevator to the West. Take it down and go to the East. Head South to find another pair of elevators but you just want what is between them. This chest has an hourglass inside it. Take a moment to go South and collect the chest there as it contains 2 Life Bottles. Now you can head down one more level. Here you can face the Powerful Abysseon by examining the wrecked robot and using one of your Arithmos Cores.

Weaknesses: Beast, Fiend, Nova, Freeze

With close to or over 90,000 HP, this is going to be a long fight. While it will not attack a lot, it does make quite a punch when it does. Balance your team between aggression and support. With that, this fight will only be a lit long. At the end of the battle you will get a key item for Asbel.

Now start heading back to the last set of elevators and go to the West. You will be treated to a scene from Lambda's past. Continue West to find a chest with 825 units of Eleth. Turn South there and continue onwards. Take the Warp to move on.