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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 46: The Spellbreaker

This quest will be initiated while you are in the dungeons dealing with Philippa. If you choose to take her to her house and attempt to save Saskia, you will receive this quest instead of the continuation of the Where Is Triss Merigold quest that you would receive if you chose to save Triss. You can only do one quest or another. If you choose to save Triss, see the previous two guides for instructions on how best to mount her rescue. If you choose to sake Saskia, this guide will cover how to do so.

You will begin just where you left off; you will be in the dungeons with Philippa. The sorceress will be severely wounded, and you will need to lead her out of the dungeons before doing anything else. Lead Philippa towards the sewers that you entered the prison from (only if you took Iorveth’s advice and snuck in, though. Otherwise, note that you can find the entrance to the sewers down the long hallway and to the right.) You will find Iorveth waiting for you here. He will help lead you out of the sewers, although naturally he will also be highly suspicious of Philippa. Along the way, Philippa will explain how she plans on removing the curse from Saskia. Apparently, she will know of an enchanted dagger that can remove the spell instantly. Of course, it’s not quite as simple as all that. The dagger will need to be buried in Saskia’s heart for its spells to take effect. If Philippa is telling the truth, Saskia will be returned to her former self. If the sorceress is lying, though, you will have just lost a powerful ally by shoving a dagger into heart, and the blood will be on your hands.

A long hallway at the entrance of the sewers will lead to a small arena ahead. As you enter the area, beware of the group of Rotfiends that will spawn to attack you. Keep yourself between the Rotfiends and Philippa. If they reach her, it will be down to Iorveth to kill them unless you can intervene quickly enough. Also, keep in mind that Rotfiends explode when they die. Distance yourself from the corpses as they fall to avoid taking any of the splash damage. When you are done, proceed down the hallway to the right. This will be another long hall, and it will empty out into another small arena. Just as before, a group of Rotfiends will spawn and attack you. Run into the room ahead of Iorveth and Philippa to trigger their spawn early, and roll around hitting the Rotfiends to kill them before your partners enter the room. Jump away from their exploding corpses and continue onwards, down the hallway ahead.

At the end of this area, you will find a door leading into Philippa’s house. Iorveth will ask you to case the house and search for any traps that might be awaiting you. Head upstairs to find three Gargoyles. Draw your Silver Sword and attack. Since you are outnumbered and in a relatively confined space, it might be best to block the Gargoyles and parry whenever possible. Use Aard to knock the enemies back and give yourself a little bit of breathing room if they get too close. Strike them when they hit the ground, stunned. Once you have killed a Gargoyle or two, feel free to begin attacking with more vigor. The more enemies dead, the more room you will have to maneuver in the small room. When all of the enemies are dead, search the locker to the side to find a Dragon Scale and call Iorveth and Philippa upstairs. You will gain 500 experience points for making it this far in the quest.

Alongside Philippa and Iorveth, head up to the roof. You will find yourself staring at a chest surrounded by candles. You can find the solution to this puzzle in two ways. First, you can simply look at the diagram in the picture ahead, and rearrange the area to match. A slightly more legible solution can be found in Philippa’s Notes in one of the lockers below you, as well. Use Quen to shield yourself and open the chest. If you don’t use Quen, you will take damage here. (Spoiler) This will initiate a cutscene. Philippa will trick Geralt and summon a Golem. Iorveth will give chase, but Philippa will have already transformed into an owl, and she will escape in the blink of an eye. She will also cast a force spell to blast Iorveth away from you, rendering him unable to help you in the upcoming battle. The Golem will alter reality and force you to fight him in his own plane of existence. (End Spoiler.)

Boss Battle: Golem

You will have to fight the Golem in its own ethereal plane. You will quickly notice yellow splotches appearing along the ground. Avoid these areas at all costs, as the Golem will be summoning meteor attacks and the yellow areas mark the projected collision zones of the meteors. These will deal heavy damage to you if you manage to end up stuck in the yellow zones when they strike. You don’t have to worry about splash damage hitting you from the attacks, at least.

Other than the meteors, the Golem will have very few tricks up its sleeve. It won’t be very smart, so use this to your advantage. Trap the Golem using Yrden or handmade traps. When the Golem is trapped, hit it from behind with heavy strikes. If you have Igni on your skill tree, use this instead of physically slashing him. The Golem is extremely weak towards fire. Kill the Golem quickly using this strategy.


After the Golem is dead, approach the chest and loot it. Speak with Iorveth to close out the quest. You will be able to use the dagger soon, so hopefully it actually does as Philippa said it would. For now, you will have completed this quest and unlocked the next one, entitled A Summit Of Mages.