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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 15 – Day 6, Part 2 – Howard Phillips Plains, Antarctica

Ninja Gaiden Walkthrough Part 16 – Day 6, Part 2 – Howard Phillips Plains, Antarctica

Head on down the hallway to the right. As Ryu comes close to the end of it, he will be attacked by Fiends. Defeat the first bunch and a Manga Persona Fiend will launch its attack on you. Keep moving to avoid getting blasted. Remember that when Ryu defeats the Manga Persona fiend it becomes a Manga Fiend. Just pop a few arrows at it to trigger this transformation. Once it has done this, then , if Ryu has his Ninpo ready, blast everyone and everything in the room for a quick victory.

Head to the back-right part of the room and go through the door there. Continue on up the stairs. Be wary that just as Ryu hits the second pillar that a Fiend will attack him. At least 2 more foes await Ryu as he heads the landing at the top of the stairs. Deal with them then crest the stairs, going to the right.

Head through the doorway and turn to the right. When Ryu clears the iron fence, go left into the main part of this room. As Ryu passes the stained glass window he will be ambushed by fiends and a pair of Megaslions or worse. Of course, this is the first part of a battle. A Manga Persona Fiend will appear and attack Ryu as well some additional reinforcements (and the usual Mass Explosions).

Once that group has been dealt with Ryu needs to continue forward to the doors to the left. Head down the stairs. Keep wary as there are some prompts waiting at the end of this hallway. Jump then use an attack when prompted to take out the White Alchemist waiting there. Deal with the remaining ones. Dispatching that group causes a ground fiends to spawn. Defeat them, if Ryu can use a Ninpo do it so, it is encouraged. That is because next come a trio of Manga Fiends. Focus on strong attacks, but back away one the Manga fiend blocks a strike to avoid its attacks. After the last one Ryu is immediately taken to the nearby Falcon to Save and Heal.

Head around the corner for the Falcon to deal with more fiends and worse. Continue down to the right and through the hallway to the left. As Ryu passes by more tanks, more fiends will attack him. Head around  the corner to the right and through more one row of containers. Of course more fiends will attack as Ryu crosses through here.

Head through the first doorway on Ryu's left. Head through the tunnel into the next part of the room. Turn right at the end of the tunnel and head on through. Inside, it is time for a different style of fight, against Epigonos, the Evil Twin of Ryu

Epigonos, the Evil Twin of Ryu
Here it is important to attack more at opportune times than anything else. This thing is powerful and fast. Still, it moves at a walk more than a run. If it begins a swing, block. Done properly this part will only last a minute or two. When the Twin is floored by the curse, approach and use a Strong Attack

Epigonos, the Evil Twin of Ryu: Demon Form
This thing is much more aggressive than its previous form It will actually more at speed at come at Ryu with one of three weapons: Claws, Scythe and Sword. First and foremost, if Epigonos has the Scythe out and drops into a low stance, get away from him, aiming to slide to either side of him or behind him. Also, watch out if you see him gather up a ball of dark energy. This is another case of wanting to get behind him. Then again, the Scythe has a longer range than expect so keep that in mind as well. The best time to attack Epigonos is when he has the Dragon Sword out. This fight is broken into 3 segments. These can be told apart by the uses of the Ultimate Technique and the cinematic strikes. The first is the easiest, with it relying more on the weapon combos themselves. The second segment has it using the charge technique for the Scythe which is nearly impossible to avoid. Just keep moving close to Epigonos to have even a slight chance. The third has it firing off its Dark Ninpo burst at Ryu periodically. Keep moving to avoid getting it by it. At all difficulties it will nearly kill, if not do that outright.

When Ryu gets a chance to use his Ultimate Technique, do not hesitate to unleash it. Epigonos is more vulnerable to it around those times. The twin is also quite susceptible to counters as well. Keep with the Quick attack if anything to land them. Still, try to dodge them more often than block them. If Ryu does connect with a counter, press it as long as you can. Once the Twin blocks, retreat and wait for another opening.

For the third segment, it takes a different Turn. As soon as Ryu starts charging the Ultimate Technique, the curse will affect him. Move up to Ryu's Twin and just hack at him. Mash as appropriate and then it is time to start running.

The facility is on the brink of collapse. Head up the stairs on either side into the next room. Here you have soldiers waiting for you. Defeat them and approach the door to the right of the one Ryu just came through. Some Megaslions will appear by breaking it down. This part of the fight is optional. Ryu can either engage them or just start Bird Flipping up the narrow passage then Kunai climbing the rest of the way, dodging the window above him.

AT the top, it leads to another cutscene. Follow the prompts to destroy what you can of the Helicopter attacking you. When you land on the ice, immediately head forward to the wall in front of you. Climb it very quickly, constantly moving to the right to make it to safety.