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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 55 – Future Arc – Gustwork Ruins, Part 2

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 55 – Future Arc – Gustwork Ruins, Part 2

As Asbel, head to the North from the Party Switch, crossing a gap with a Blue Block. Now head to the West, across the Orange Block Bridge. Continue West and take the first Blue Block to the South. After that, start  to the East some across another Blue Block. Move up to the strange structure with the floating rocks for the “Eloquent Stone” discovery and the skit, “Renewing the Pact”.

After that, head back to the West then continue on North. Cross using another Blue Block then open the chest in front of you. It has a Needle of Extinction inside of it. Now, head to the West, past the Party Switch, to the next Blue Block. Ride it to the West then go straight North onto the North Blue Block (not the second one that is facing to the East). Ride the North Blue Block to knock a Orange Block upwards to Hubert's party. Return to the Party Switch.

Go to the West as Hubert's party then North to find a new Bridge you have formed. Head across to the East using the next Blue Block then turn t othe South and to another Blue Block. This one will knock a Orange Block down to Asbel. Now head back to the West and turn North to find another Party Switch to trigger.

As Asbel, head West then go slightly North and take the Blue Block to the East. When you arrive on the Orange Block, cross the Red and head to the East to find a chest. It contains some Suspicious Powder. Now head back one platform then go to the North. Break West after that, across another Blue Block. Take the first Blue Bock to the North to send an Orange Block up to Hubert. Now head over to the Party Switcher and go back to Hubert.

With Hubert, head to the West across the new bridge then turn South to move on forward. Take a moment on this platform to go West and South on the next two Blue Blocks. This will yield a chest with Magic Carta #71. Head North twice from there to knock down another Orange Block. After that, go to the West, using the Green Block, then switch to Asbel's Party.

As Asbel, head to the North, then West and South using the Blue Blocks. At this point, the two parties will come back together. A quick cutscene starts to show it off.

Head to the South first to find the skit, “The Necessary Motivation”. Head to the West after that. Go North and take the Green Block there up. Turn to the South when you get up above. Continue South another Blue Block to find Magic Carta #72. Now return to the North and go West on the nearby Blue Block. Walk forward to the glowing circle on the ground for the discovery, “Gustworks Core” and the skit, “The Atmosphere Between Them”. Now, return to the East and go North twice, to return to the Green Block you came up on. Descend on it.

Head West then North on the nearby Blue Blocks to find a Killer Fang in a chest. Head back to the South then continue to the West. Turn South and take the Blue Block there to find a chest with 1000 units of Eleth inside it. Now head to the North twice to find a Save Point. Pause there to trigger the skit, “Growing Old”.