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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 57 – Future Arc – Fendel Glacier Ruins, Amarcian Enclave

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 57 – Future Arc – Fendel Glacier Ruins, Amarcian Enclave

Travel to the Glacier Ruinbs using the Shuttle. Just inside you get a quick cutscene stating that Pascal and Sophie are down by the Valkenas. Head down int othe first chamber. Once again, push the Ice block over the hill and let is slope on the slope. Head to the South after that to find that the chests here have reset. Inside the one you find to the South is a pair of Sage. Head East after that and then South, down the topple icicle there to the next chest. It now contains a Symphonian Scepter for Richard. Continue on to the next room after that.

Head to the Southwest after that. Head down the next passage to the West to move on forward to the next Ice Block Room. Head all the way to the West to find a chest with the Scars of Eternia daggers. After that, head back to the East then turn South as soon as you can. Cross over the set of Icicles to the West, head down the slope to the South. Head all the way East after that to collect a chest with the Magic Carta #60. Head South from there to exit on out of this room.

Head West through the next room. Bear Northwest when you can in this room to find a chest. It contains Magic Carta #61. Now head to the South to get out onto the next pathway. Head all the way to the East to find a Save Point. Head South from there to enter into the next room.

First, follow the narrow path all the way to the South then West. There you will find a chest with Tempest Bringer for Malik. Now head back to the East and North, taking the first turn West that you can. Head all the way to the end, then loop North and to the Esat to find another chest. This one has 500 units of Eleth inside it. Now head back to the South and East, until you are one platform away from the wall. Turn North here and follow this path as it winds to the West and South down toward the Valkines Cryas.

In the next chamber, head to the South. Pause at the Save Point for the skit, “Half-Cocked”. Continue on down the path to trigger a cutscene where Sophie and Pascal are both under attack. Sophie becomes worried after the battle because of Lambda's awakening. After the battle, Pascal earns the “Same Old, Same Old” title, which starts at rank 3.

Head over to the East to get to the Save Point. This will let you trigger the “Friends Again” skit. Take a moment to head into the passageway behind the Valkines Cryas, to the East. Head down the first path to the Northeast then turn to the Northwest. There you will find a piece of Verbena inside the chest. Head back to the last intersection and go to the Northeast this time. Follow the path as it turns to the Southeast to another intersection. Head to the South and continue on to the final chamber. Inside, you will find an unopened chest. Crack it open to find Magic Carta #62. Time to head back up to the Warp to get outside the Glacier Ruins. Once outside, head to the Glacier Road and take the Shuttle back to the Amarcian Enclave.

Amercian Enclave
Head straight forward and down the stairs to the Overseer's Quarters. As Fourier explains things, Asbel and Lambda talk for a while. After the cutscene wraps up, Pascal and Malik gain the “Big Sister” and “Leader of Man” titles respectively. These titles give them access to their Accel gauges. Afterwards, you can trigger the skit, “A Guilty Conscience”.