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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 68: Of His Blood And Bone

After you have completed the For Temeria! quest, you will be left with an important decision to make. You may either accompany Roche to rescue the heir to the Temerian throne, a girl named Anais, or you may head out on your own and search for Triss. If you decide to look for Triss on your own, refer to the previous guide called Where Is Triss Merigold (Loc Muinne.) It will be in Iorveth’s section of the guide, but this quest will be the same regardless of whose side you were on when you took it. If you decided to go along with Roche and rescue Anais, read on for the guide to that quest, called Of His Blood and Bone.

In order to start this quest, you will have to seek out Roche at the northern end of the city. He will be standing by the entryway to the sewers, which will be guarded by two Kaedweni soldiers. Use Axii to persuade them to let you by. Enter the sewer tunnel and run to the other side. Roche will tell you to stick to the ground while he runs up the walls.

A group of soldiers will enter the area. Run towards them and prepare for a fairly long battle. Remember to check your sides as you take on this group of enemies. Don’t let them get around you. Roll and parry through attacks to keep the soldiers off of your back. Use Igni if you’re specced for it and if the soldiers are grouped together. Power through this fight and reunite with Roche to move on to the next area. A few more soldiers will run out. You should be able to kill them with little trouble. After facing them, Dethmold’s apprentice will emerge and attack you.

Boss Battle: Dethmold’s Apprentice

Dethmold’s apprentice will have numerous magic attacks designed to confuse you and hit you hard with elemental damage. Watch out for his firebolts and lightning bolts, both of which will be capable of dealing heavy damage. He will also have a shield similar to your Quen ability. Don’t attack him when the shield goes up, as it will basically be pointless. All of the damage will just bounce right off, so instead dodge his attacks and watch out for the shield to go down, at which point you may resume your assault. Finally, Dethmold’s apprentice will be able to teleport around the battlefield. This will be one of his most annoying moves, as he can just up and leave in the middle of your combo string. Try stunning him, setting traps, or using other magic to slow him down. Through repeated assault, you should be able to kill Dethmold’s apprentice and move on to the mage master himself.


After killing Dethmold’s apprentice, follow Roche to find Dethmold himself. After a brief cutscene, (Spoiler) Roche will approach Dethmold and viciously kill him (End Spoiler.) Loot a key from the corpse. When you grab the key, don’t neglect to check the cabinet to the left to find the Forgotten Vran Sword, a fairly powerful Steel Sword.

After this, Anais will be freed, It will now be up to you to decide what to do with her. You can take her to Radovid, which is what Roche suggests, or you can take her to John Natalis of Temeria. As you leave the library, the Knights of the Flaming Rose will appear in the doorway. If you decided to give Anais to Radovid, they will escort her away and that will be that. If not, things will get a little more complicated. If you played through the first game and Siegfried is alive, he will be here and tell the soldiers to let you pass. If not, or if Siegfried died in your game of the first Witcher, you will have to fight the soldiers in order to escape.

Either way, after you leave this area you will complete this quest, receive 2,500 experience points for your efforts, and receive the A Summit of Mages quest that marks the beginning of the end of the game.